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providers for service provided with a reconciliation based upon actual expenses incurred by <br /> each provider on a subsequent quarterly basis or as otherwise agreed to. <br /> 6. All bus service providers receiving funding under the Plan will provide an annual <br /> financial report on existing bus services, their recommendations for new or continuing service <br /> priorities, their actual or expected costs and ridership information as reasonably requested to <br /> TTA on an annual basis or as otherwise agreed to. It shall be the responsibility of TTA to provide <br /> oversight of the new, enhanced or sustained bus services under the Plan to insure compliance <br /> with the Intermodal Act requirements. All other legal requirements under federal and state law <br /> shall be the responsibility of the respective bus service provider. TTA shall include a full <br /> descriptive report on bus services delivered under the Plan as a part of its annual reports to <br /> Orange and DCHC. <br /> 7. The Plan provides that all funding for bus services will be appropriated on the basis <br /> of the following percentages: 64% of such funds to CHT, 24% of such funds to TTA, and 12% of <br /> such funds to OPT. The use of these bus service funds shall be limited to support of new bus <br /> services above and beyond the existing transit system services in place at the time of the <br /> adoption of the local option %z cent sales tax in November, 2012. However, CHT and OPT may <br /> use a portion of the bus service funds provided in the Plan to pay for the increased cost of <br /> existing bus services during the duration of this Agreement in the manner described below. <br /> The "CHT Share" shall be a percentage derived by dividing the CHT local expenditures for bus <br /> services each year by the total of local expenditures for bus services by both CHT and OPT in <br /> that year. The "OPT Share" shall be a percentage derived by dividing the OPT local expenditures <br /> for bus services each year by the total of local expenditures for bus services by both CHT and <br /> OPT in that year. The respective CHT and OPT local expenditures for bus services in any year <br /> shall be based initially upon the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, <br /> 2011. Local bus services expenditures shall include assigned overhead without any <br /> consideration of federal or state financial assistance. The determination of the CHT Share and <br /> OPT Share will be made each year thereafter based upon the most recent audited annual local <br /> expenditures for bus service by both. <br /> CHT may use a portion of the bus services funds provided in the Plan up to a maximum amount <br /> that equals the CHT Share percentage of the prior year total receipts from the Orange County <br /> local vehicle registration fee of$7.00 permitted by Article 52 of NCGS 105. OPT may use a <br /> portion of the bus services funds provided in the Plan up to a maximum amount that equals the <br /> OPT Share percentage of the prior year total receipts from the Orange County local vehicle <br /> registration fee of$7.00 permitted by Article 52 of NCGS 105. <br /> 8. Any change in use of bus service funds in the Plan from support of new services to <br /> support of existing services may be made on a temporary or permanent basis and must be <br /> agreed to by all the Parties and comply with state law. <br /> 9. Every four years in a manner that coordinates with DCHC's preparation of a new <br />