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Commissioner Gordon voted against it because most of Paragraph 8 was eliminated <br /> without much consideration. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that this is allowing the opportunity to use all of the money <br /> to support existing services. He is not sure that this was the intent. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked that the signatory page spell out all of the group <br /> names instead of using abbreviations. <br /> Commissioner McKee suggested having this brought back as a clean copy at the next <br /> regular meeting to vote on it. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that the clean copy will be put forth with the minutes. <br /> Commissioner Gordon reminded the Board that the Bus and Rail Plan also needs to <br /> be approved. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Foushee to approve the amended implementation agreement as discussed in this meeting <br /> including all changes in red, with the exception of paragraph 8, which was greatly modified as <br /> follows: most of paragraph 8 was deleted except for the last sentence which now reads: Any <br /> change in use of bus service funds in the Plan from support of new services to support of <br /> existing services may be made on a temporary or permanent basis, must be agreed to by all of <br /> the Parties, and must comply with State law; add "annual" in the document in 16-D; and <br /> throughout the document add the word "all" to "parties" so it reads "all of the parties", where <br /> appropriate; include changes to paragraph 10, which would now read as follows: <br /> "The Parties agree to develop appropriate benchmarks and timeline to evaluate progress in <br /> gaining federal and state financial support for the LRT project in the Plan during the four years <br /> following execution of the Agreement, to incorporate these benchmarks and timeline into the <br /> Plan during the first four year review, and to use these benchmarks and timeline in the reviews <br /> set out in paragraph 9 above and in paragraph 13 below"; <br /> And authorize staff to make non-substantive changes to the agreement. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; Nays, 2 (Commissioner McKee and Commissioner Yuhasz) <br /> The Implementation Agreement, in the form in which it was approved at the meeting, is as <br /> follows: <br /> INTERLOCAL IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT <br /> FOR <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BUS AND RAIL INVESTMENT PLAN <br /> This Interlocal Agreement ("Agreement") dated , 2012 is entered into <br /> by and among Orange County, a political subdivision of the State or North Carolina ("Orange"), <br /> the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, the regional <br /> transportation planning agency for the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro urban area pursuant to US <br /> DOT regulation CFR Part 450 and 49 Part 613 ("DCHC"), and the Research Triangle Regional <br /> Public Transportation Authority, d/b/a Triangle Transit, a regional public transportation <br /> authority under NCGS 160A ("TTA"). Orange, DCHC, and TTA may be referred to individually as <br />