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VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner McKee) <br /> The Board then discussed Paragraph 8. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the rationale for 50% of the bus funding to be <br /> used for existing services. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the plan allocates each year a certain amount for bus services. <br /> This is on page 41 of the packet. The Board has already approved the plan that provides for a <br /> certain level of funding each year for bus services. The rest of the money goes to light rail. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked Wib Gulley about his legal opinion for the $7 vehicle <br /> registration fee and the County's use of this money. Wib Gulley said that his legal opinion is <br /> that the allocation of the funds that are distributed for bus service, a marker that indicates the <br /> $7 could be used for existing service, is permitted because that piece of the legislation has no <br /> restriction on it. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked how what is in paragraph 8 is not already covered in the <br /> other parts of the agreement that allow a party to ask for a change in changing circumstances. <br /> He made reference to paragraph 11 and said that it should say, "as set out in paragraph 9 <br /> above," and not "paragraph 7." He said that it seems that what is being said in this section is <br /> already being said in the remaining portions of the agreement. <br /> Wib Gulley said that there were some concerns expressed and the thought was to <br /> explicitly provide for these concerns in a separate paragraph. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would feel more comfortable if this particular <br /> provision was made subject to the approvals that exist later in the agreement. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the statement "agreed to by the parties in the agreement" <br /> should include "all" throughout the agreement. He said that this could be misconstrued to <br /> mean a majority and not all of the parties. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to minimize the amount to which the <br /> County commits itself to challenging the parameters of the law. <br /> John Roberts said that the statute in this case specifically says that the net proceeds <br /> of the '/�-cent sales tax revenue shall not be used to supplant or replace existing funds. There <br /> remains some disagreement. He does not think that this agreement is entirely defensible <br /> under the statute. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that once again there is an issue that is not worked out. <br /> He said that these issues need to be worked out before voting. <br /> Wib Gulley said that the concern about new services addressed in paragraph 7 is a <br /> higher standard than supplantation. Paragraph 7 states that the existing level of services must <br /> be kept in place. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the last sentence in Paragraph 8 is what makes him <br /> comfortable with it. He asked to keep that sentence or just add it to Paragraph 7. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that Section 8 should be in the agreement. <br /> Discussion ensued on Section 8. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Jacobs to change the wording of the last sentence in Paragraph 8 to read as follows (and to <br /> delete the rest of Paragraph 8): Any change in use of bus service funds in the Plan from <br /> support of new services to support of existing services may be made on a temporary or <br /> permanent basis, must be agreed to by all of the Parties, and must comply with State law. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 4; Nays, 3 (Commissioner Gordon, Commissioner McKee, and Commissioner <br /> Yuhasz) <br />