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OPT's $ 80,000 for existing services can be allocated for support of existing or new services at <br /> the option of the County Commission. <br /> TTA receives no revenues for existing bus service support for its Orange County operations. <br /> Hand out ends here. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the staff of all the parties concur that this is the best way to <br /> handle this agreement. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to paragraph #7 and asked what would happen <br /> if a different Board of County Commissioners in the future wanted to be more aggressive with <br /> bus service. He asked if it would be considered new and would come under#8 or if it would <br /> still be subject to the 64/24/12 split. <br /> Frank Clifton said that right now it is set up as the 64/24/12 split. <br /> Clarifying questions were answered by John Roberts and Wib Gulley. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he does not believe that all issues are worked out. He <br /> said that there have been changes all week long, but he is uncomfortable with making a <br /> decision on this tonight when he gets the feeling that everything is not worked out. <br /> Frank Clifton said that he thinks that all parties have come to a reasonable <br /> methodology to produce something that would be acceptable, with the understanding that <br /> these issues will be addressed at a later date. <br /> John Roberts said that the County Commissioners are being asked to accept the <br /> Manager's recommended changes (pink sheet), and once they agree to adopt it, he is going to <br /> ask the Board to authorize staff to get the wording correct and make non-substantive changes. <br /> The substantive parts of this he believes are agreed to. <br /> Wib Gulley said that Triangle Transit is comfortable with the wording of services here <br /> versus hours. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that everyone seems to like the wording of#7. She <br /> asked if the orange sheet could be an attachment at the end of the document. <br /> John Roberts clarified that the orange sheet would be worked into Section 7, if the <br /> Commissioners wished to add that. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he is not sure it is a good idea to include the orange <br /> sheet as part of the agreement. He thinks that it is an example, but if it is too specific and not <br /> real, then it will be confusing. He thinks that paragraph 7 is fine. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that there is not enough transparency in this process. He <br /> said that this needs to come back and be approved in whole at one more meeting. He said <br /> that the County is asking the taxpayers of Orange County to obligate themselves, their <br /> children, and their grandchildren for a tax that is being put together piece meal in a rush. He <br /> wants to see this in black and white in an organized form. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that she is not sure where #7 is not clear. She thought <br /> that everything was clear. <br /> Mr. Spade spoke about Chapel Hill Transit's perspective of paragraph #7. He said <br /> that over the past couple of weeks there have been numerous conversations with his staff, <br /> TTA, the MPO, and the County. He said that Chapel Hill Transit does support this. He thinks <br /> that all parties agree that there is a common understanding. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Foushee to approve paragraph 7 with the two changes on the pink sheet (take out the words <br /> "in place" since it is written twice and change the date to June 30th instead of June 31St.) The <br /> orange sheet will be an example to be recorded in the record for information only. <br />