Orange County NC Website
e. Transit Interlocal Implementation Aqreement <br /> The Board considered adopting the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan <br /> (OCBRIP) and associated Interlocal Implementation Agreement. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that the County Commissioners have had many modifications to <br /> this draft document and it will be on the screen. <br /> John Roberts said that everything in red in the agreement is new from the last meeting. <br /> There are some typographical corrections in numbering. In Section 16, subsection d, the <br /> annual increase was not included and this has been added. <br /> Commissioner Gordon went through her document with suggestions for changes. This <br /> was the rose colored sheet. <br /> Item 7e - Transit Interlocal Implementation Agreement - Paragraph 10 <br /> PROPOSED CLARIFICATION FROM COMMISSIONER GORDON <br /> Tonight's meeting agenda includes item 7-e concerning the Transit Interlocal Implementation <br /> Agreement. <br /> I will be proposing the addition of some clarifying language to Paragraph 10 which deals with <br /> benchmarks. <br /> I have asked the County Attorney about this clarification and he told me the additional <br /> language was fine with him. <br /> INFORMATION ON PARAGRAPH 10 <br /> Paragraph 10 states that benchmarks will be developed for inclusion in the transit plan, and <br /> when that will happen. However, it does not clearly state how and when the benchmarks will <br /> actually be used. <br /> Therefore, tonight I propose that we add the following language to the end of paragraph 10: <br /> "and to use these benchmarks and timeline in the reviews set out in paragraph 9 above and in <br /> paragraph 13 below." <br /> (Paragraph 9 refers to the four year reviews and Paragraph 13 refers to the eight year review.) <br /> PARAGRAPH 10 WOULD THEN READ AS FOLLOWS: <br /> The Parties agree to develop appropriate benchmarks and timeline to evaluate progress in <br /> gaining federal and state financial support for the LRT project in the Plan during the four years <br /> following execution of the Agreement, to incorporate these benchmarks and timeline into the <br /> Plan during the first four year review, and to use these benchmarks and timeline in the reviews <br /> set out in paragraph 9 above and in paragraph 13 below. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> approve the changes in the agreement as proposed above. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />