Orange County NC Website
What is 2040 MTP? <br /> ���� Lists hi hwa , transit and other transportation projects to address future <br /> transportation deficiencies through year 2040. <br /> � Assum tions — based on future land use, population and employment. <br /> Fiscal onstraint—Anticipated revenues must cover anticipated project costs. <br /> ���� Fundin -- Projects must be in MTP to receive state and federal funding (via <br /> Transportation Improvement Program —TIP) <br /> ���� Used for Planninq <br /> ���� e.g., In development review, use MTP to reserve right-of-way for <br /> future highway and fixed guideway projects <br /> What is Alternatives Analysis? <br /> ���� What— <br /> Proposed sets of projects/services to meet transportation deficiencies -- this is the 1 st <br /> cut. <br /> uu Why_ <br /> ���� Determine how project types and individual projects meet future <br /> transportation demand. <br /> ���� Understand public and local officials preferences. <br /> ���� When — <br /> ���� Released August 17, 2012 <br /> ���� Public input <br /> ���� Workshop at Hillsborough Town Barn, 9/13, 4-7pm <br /> ���� OUTboard <br /> Highway Projects: <br /> Moderate Network <br /> Major Projects: <br /> - I-85 widening <br /> - I-40 widening <br /> - Old NC 86 widening <br /> - US 15-501/NC 54 bypass widening <br /> - NC superstreets <br /> - US 15-501/NC 54 interchange <br /> Transit Services: <br /> Moderate Network <br /> Major Services: <br /> - Light Rail Transit (Durham-CH) <br /> - Bus service improvements <br /> - Bus Rapid Transit in Chapel Hill <br /> Transit Intensive Network <br /> Major Services: <br /> - Light Rail Transit extension <br /> - Commuter Rail extension <br /> 2040 MTP <br /> --Next Steps <br /> - Develop the Preferred Option (release in October 2012) <br /> - Get public feedback on the Preferred Option (October through December 2012) <br /> - Approve draft 2040 MTP (December 2012) <br /> - Adopt after Air Quality Conformity (April 2013) <br />