Minutes - 20070621
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070621
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A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Foushee to fund Orange Community Housing and Land Trust by $35,000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Carey pointed out that Chapel Hill and Carrbora also budgeted funds far <br />the Land Trust. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br />Jacobs to fund the Public Health Reserve Carps by $17,000 for one year only, <br />dependent upon future grants. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he added Special Olympics and Leaf Light <br />because he wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, since they may have missed <br />the deadline. <br />Laura Blackman said that because the organizations had not requested funding, <br />she had redistributed the $14,500 to JOCCA ($5,000), Gravelly Middle School ($5,000), <br />and the food bank ($4,500). <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there are a lot of organizations that got their <br />applications in on time, and were not granted funds, so it would not be fair to change the <br />rules. She said that she would support HYAA getting $1,125. <br />Commissioner Nelson agreed with Commissioner Gordon. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br />Foushee to fund HYAA by $1,125. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner <br />Foushee to zero out the increase in the Critical Needs Reserve, leaving $145,000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he had two other things. One was to put in <br />$10,000 far a consultant to work an the interoperability of the two library systems, using <br />the Medicaid monies. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gordon to allocate $10,000 for a library interoperability consultant. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the only other thing that he would raise is adding <br />$188,000 to fair funding - $94,000 to OCS to cover the nurse and a half position far a <br />social worker and $94,000 for CHCCS. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would rather try to put this on the ad <br />valorem and try to do something mare for OCS. She said that if something is not done <br />on the ad valorem for OCS, it will never be moved forward substantially. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he had only anticipated $700,000 worth of cuts, <br />but now it is over $1.1 million. He said that if this is allocated back per pupil, OCS will <br />get the money without having to raise the tax rate. For OCS, 50150 works better than <br />38162. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that she prefers to do more on the ad valorem and <br />Commissioner Nelson agreed. <br />Chair Carey said that he has a problem with the fair funding reserve when it gets <br />into line item implications. <br />
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