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Ken Chavious said that he has done the calculations based on starting payments in <br />2007. He will bring this information back. He said that he could not find anywhere a written <br />agreement that says that the County will pay 43%, Chapel Hill will pay 43°l0, and Carrboro will <br />pay 14%. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked whether the percentages were in the interlocal agreement. <br />Ken Chavious said that there is mention of it, but the percentages are not there. Commissioner <br />Gordon said to ask Geof Gledhill about this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Foushee and said that the County <br />should take the lead. He said that he looked at the minutes from the Assembly of Governments <br />meeting from a year ago, and this was discussed. Chapel Hill wanted to have aten-year <br />payback. There was discussion about afive-year, seven-year, and ten-year payback. The <br />percentages were mentioned. He said that the group that Chair Carey served on decided on <br />the percentages. <br />Chair Carey said that these percentages were discussed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that, since no one is paying anything right now, the County <br />could decide to pay on the 43°~ of the big tract, but the other governments need to be on board <br />and pay for those 80 acres. <br />Laura Blackmon made reference to the AOG minutes and said that it is $931,079 for the <br />County's payback for both tracts. <br />Chair Carey agreed about getting started on the 80 acres. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested, to avoid old discussions, the County should complete <br />the conservation easement issue for the 60 acres. He thinks that the other governments' <br />interest is that it is protected as open space. <br />Chair Carey said that, even if the County Commissioners decide to set aside some <br />funds, the towns have already adopted their budgets and this can be brought to them next <br />budget year. <br />Commissioner Gordan said to separate the 104 acres from the 60 acres and not make <br />promises right now. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to #14 on page 9-1, Planning Upfit of County <br />Space, and said that the County Commissioners need to talk about this before they start <br />planning for it. Laura Blackmon said that this is just far the Link Government Services Center <br />when the Gateway Building opens in March 2008. Commissioner Gordon would like to talk <br />mare about the big picture before deciding an funding the upfit or pending other items. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there are other things that are left over, like the <br />Carrboro Library, planning for Twin Creeks, etc., and her suggestion is that there is no urgency <br />to decide on this now. She thinks that the ten-year CIP should be done in the fall. <br />Laura Blackmon said the first three commitments have to be budgeted. She is also <br />recommending setting aside funding for the remaining items on page 9-1. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she was surprised to see this and there are no <br />justifications with this list. She knows that there are other projects. <br />