Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> Responses to Planning will be in Bold Purple Italics. <br /> 1. BOCC members expressed concern over the proposed clustering of foliage <br /> along NC Highway 57 and Mile Branch Road rather than a continuous land use <br /> buffer. It was recommended that a continuous vegetative buffer be provided <br /> consistent with County standards. <br /> It was noted at the meeting that there was one member that specifically indicated <br /> concern over the clustered buffer and landscaping along Mile Branch Road and NC <br /> Hwy 57.As stated in the response to the BOCC member,the clustering will allow <br /> visibility of the proposed use,but will also provide a visual break up to reduce the <br /> monotony of the storage building fagade, especially along NC 57.It was noted at the <br /> BOCC meeting that in general,the buffers proposed on Sheet C-6 were amenable to <br /> most of the Commissioners and this is still the direction that the applicant would like to <br /> move in considering the ability to propose/provide buffers fitting the use and intent in <br /> this zoning district with the lack of specific standards. <br /> 2. There was a lack of consensus over the appropriateness of proposed land use <br /> buffer widths along adjacent roadways and residentially zoned properties. <br /> The applicant proposed the following: <br /> • 20 Foot Type A buffer along NC 57 and Mile Branch Road, <br /> • 10 foot buffer along the southern property line adjacent to the Wilson <br /> property (PIN 0910-22-6989) <br /> 0 No land use buffer along the portion of property abutting the existing <br /> concrete plant. <br /> • Staff indicated typical land use buffers for a self-storage facility in <br /> comparable general use zoning districts were: <br /> I. Type F buffer, 100 feet in width, along adjacent property lines abutting AR <br /> zoned property, and <br /> II. Type B buffer, 30 feet in width, abutting adjacent road rights-of-way. <br /> Staff and Planning Board members asked for direction from the BOCC on this <br /> issue. <br /> Coming away from the BOCC meeting, the applicant felt that there was general <br /> consensus that the buffers proposed were appropriate and that minor modifications or <br /> requests may be made in relation to the buffers at the next meeting.However with the <br /> ordinance for the REDA-CZ-1 zoning being lenient on the required buffers and <br /> setbacks,the applicant feels that the buffers proposed will achieve the intent of the <br /> benefits that a buffer would provide in this area,given the use and location.As stated <br /> above, the applicant is open to direction from the BOCC if it is a general consensus <br /> that the BOCC was not satisfied with the proposed buffers. The applicant would like to <br /> state that it does not seem fitting that this use would provide a buffer equivalent to <br /> those in the general use districts,otherwise why would the buffer requirements be so <br /> flexible and not list this as the minimum requirements? <br /> 3. BOCC members asked staff to complete a field survey on an adjoining <br /> residentially zoned property to verify if it was undeveloped at this time. <br />