Orange County NC Website
35 <br /> October 22,2012 <br /> Town Board Monthly Workshop <br /> Approved: <br /> Page 8 of 21 <br /> precedents they can look to, however, to say it's probably not going to be as much of an enforcement issue as it <br /> is going to be an educational issue. <br /> 7:46:58 PM Mr. Whitaker clarified within the rights. of way, it is only on the sidewalk or at bus stops that <br /> this rule could apply within a state right of way. Otherwise, there's no applicability in the right of way. Many <br /> places don't have a sidewalk in the right of way so there will be no area there that this would even cover. <br /> 7:47:30 PM Commissioner Hallman said he's very much in favor of the eff With regard to the open <br /> container law, any night of the week, someone could be cited for that if you wn Churton Street. They <br /> see that all the time. He personally hates cigarette smoke, especially w he's eating, but people are all <br /> concerned about that one stretch of downtown Churton where people see ect each other. As it gets later <br /> in the evening, however, more smokers do come out. He added that t ave ted the smoke-free parks so <br /> they have it pretty much everywhere else in town but they're all foc se I n what s on the sidewalk. <br /> 7:49:05 PM Mayor Stevens said his biggest concern is t e- 'dewal as well and th y robably an area of <br /> discussion where they could really have a debate becau f this. I-Le's thinking abo n t ey are just <br /> walking down the sidewalk and seeing it and he doesn't her. <br /> 7:50:04 PM Commissioner Gering said this is an example w I jurisdiction should have more control <br /> and not be covered under a single umbrella f r the whole county. inks they should tell people they can <br /> smoke on the sidewalk because he does not b despite what the on General says about second hand <br /> smoke, that the public will not be affected by s alking down th t sing by smoking. He has a <br /> problem with that. Also, the County has a histo o .ng by the T ordinances and it annoys him <br /> that the County seems to want to apply this stand , this to the wn when there's still a question <br /> about whether they have the authority to do so. He oul e old that better and thinks it would be <br /> bad for Hillsborough to acced sdiction to the withou cussing whether the County is going to <br /> abide by the Town's ordin or r the Town li by theirs. <br /> Commissioner Gering a Iso rea e requirement I ing signage and asked who would pay for that <br /> and decide where it would g s. B LLeplied they' dentified $30,000 to pay for the signage but they <br /> can't implement it ithout the ss,they've been softly planning a meeting with some <br /> of the Plannit d Par ec Direc talk about how they can equitably distribute the signs <br /> they have ney to p Plac Hillsborough Park, which is already smoke-free, don't need signs. <br /> Their is to do a thor sessm eas where signage needs to be placed, figure out where that <br /> sign e' y exists or whe re are a' y plans for that signage, and then come up with a needs list and <br /> using that 0, divide up th ns an ctively seek additional funding. Ms. Bridger said she was also in a <br /> meeting this nd heard aba Bother $48,000 that they may be eligible to receive which they could use <br /> towards the pur of signs. I their intention to work with the County and the municipalities to provide <br /> those signs as muc ssible. ommissioner Gering said it is then not Hillsborough's expense. Ms. Bridger <br /> replied not necessaril .` e they would work with everyone affected and divide up that money as much as <br /> they can. <br /> Commissioner Gering asked Ms. Bridger if her department decided there needed to be a sign on Churton Street <br /> and they didn't have the money to pay for it, if the Town would be obligated to buy one. Ms. Bridger said <br /> technically yes. Again, they're going to work with the Town and do this in a friendly way. Commissioner <br /> Gering said he just wants to understand where the boundaries are and he's not implying they won't. He wants to <br /> understand who is responsible for implementing everything. <br />