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33 <br /> October 22,2012 <br /> Town Board Monthly Workshop <br /> Approved: <br /> Page 6 of21 <br /> gets recorded in the Register of Deeds the logic of their thought process. That might be unnecessary but she <br /> could still provide other documentation for them that can get read into the record when they're making the <br /> decision. <br /> 7:33:11 PM Commissioner Hallman moved to close the Public Hearing. Commissioner Lloyd seconded. <br /> Upon a unanimous vote of 4-0,the Public Hearing was closed. <br /> 7:34:15 PM Tony Whitaker, Chair of the Orange County Health ent, came forward. Colleen <br /> Bridger,Orange County Health Director,came forward as well. <br /> 7:34:38 PM Commissioner Gering said they probably neede,fd�l- <br /> c "ss the j11ri n these guests would <br /> have for Hillsborough. He said Mr. Hornik's analysis rais ome serious question t whether County <br /> policies can apply without the Board's approval. Mr. Hor referred NCGS 130A-4 ch the statute <br /> under which they're operating. At the lack of case law tatute, t " uestion remains whether the <br /> County or the County Board of Health can adopt this particul lati 11 make it effec i -in Hillsborough <br /> and on Hillsborough Town property or for Town vehicles withou n Board saying okay. <br /> Mr. Hornik said this whole section of the la adopted in 2007 a ve different and special authority to <br /> local governments, including Town Boards, to lations bannin it* g smoking in public places. <br /> The way the statute is written, it's not clear to unty Board th or the County could make <br /> prohibition effective in the Town without the Bo adop lution s ng they're okay with it. That is <br /> NCGS 153A-122. This is referred to in the secti and county employees are operating. It <br /> generally says that in order for ordinance to I I cti e wit e jurisdictional limits of the town,the <br /> Town has to adopt a resolu Ire okay wi it. He does t know whether the Board is okay or not <br /> okay with all or part of at is bei oposed but h ng looked at it, there's a question he has and there <br /> doesn't seem to be a c, tive an r. <br /> 7:37:12 PM Ms. Bridger a re a county ordinance it could not apply to the <br /> municipalitie ealth uthority ales that encompass the entire area of the county where <br /> they serve r. Ho I how here are special statutory authorities on smoking prohibitions which <br /> I t. s. Bridger o e <br /> are di M sc ar worlds they're dealing with. Commissioners can't; Board of <br /> Heal There was a hyb le of la at was created when House Bill 2 passed and Boards of Health <br /> were given c the authority to ct sma ng prohibitions but only with the agreement of the County Board of <br /> Commissione r. Hornik sal e statute specifically refers to the County Board of Commissioners adoption <br /> of the ordinance " ving the rue Ms. Bridger replied Hillsborough would be the second county to be doing <br /> this as Durham ha ady pa d a rule that was "adopted by ordinance" which was what the School of <br /> Government recomme er for the rule to apply to the entire county. The guidance they've been given <br /> by the School of Gove is if a Board of Health rule is "adopted by ordinance" and it's not a separate <br /> ordinance adopted by th oard of Commissioners, then it does indeed apply to the entire county and all the <br /> municipalities. That is what they applied in the Durham County example. She told Mr. Hornik Jill Moore <br /> would be the contact person at the School of Government. <br /> 7:39:23 PM Ms. Bridger added they've discussed this with the School of Government to make sure they do <br /> it correctly. At the legal conference in April, there was an entire session about this, and very clearly, the <br /> guidance was if the Commissioners "adopt by ordinance,"then it is a Board of Health rule which does apply to <br /> the entire county. <br />