Minutes - 20070614
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070614
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8/14/2008 1:24:19 PM
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8/13/2008 2:52:24 PM
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will be significantly diminished over the next three or four years. There have also been service <br />increases. This coming year will be the first full year of mixed paper curbside pickup. The <br />landfill will be subsidizing over $400,000, even with the implementation of the fees. <br />Department on Aging <br />Laura Blackmon said that now that the Seymour Center is open, the Department on <br />Aging is proposing a fee structure and specific operation hours far the center. This can be <br />considered as part of the budget, as an agenda item in a regular meeting, or after the budget in <br />the fall. <br />Chair Carey said that he and the Vice-Chair will review this at agenda review and decide <br />when to consider these fees. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the Board of Elections fee and said that the filing <br />fees for State and county offices are mandated and the other fees have not changed since <br />1980. He asked if the County was recovering any costs and Barry Garner said that all filing fees <br />go into the County general fund. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he cannot imagine that there is only $5.00 worth of effort <br />that goes into processing someone's application to run for an office. Barry Garner said that <br />each government sets its own fees, except the county and State offices, it is 1 °~ of salary. <br />3. Review County Department Budgets, By Exception <br />Laura Blackmon pointed out the tab for Departmental Operating Budgets in the budget <br />document. <br />Board of Commissioners <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 3-24 and the decrease in Personnel <br />Services for the reassignment of the Communications Specialist to Staff Attorney. He asked <br />about deducting the $351,000 from the $413,000 and if this is how much money would be <br />moved. Budget Director Donna Coffey said that this also includes budgeting 96% of salaries <br />and moving the Communications Specialist. Also included in Personnel Services are temporary <br />personnel, benefits, etc. <br />Commissioner Jacobs verified that the reserve of $50,000 that was set aside last year <br />goes back into the general fund. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the dollar amounts for the lapsed salaries. Donna <br />Coffey said that this information will be coming to the County Commissioners tomorrow. <br />Animal Services <br />Chair Carey made reference to page 3-17 and the measures and number of cruelty <br />complaints. He asked how the staff accounts for this decrease, because everything else is <br />going up. Animal Services Director Bob Marotto said that the estimate for 2006-07 indicates <br />that they expect to reach a higher level of complaints based on experience. There is a lot of <br />neglect. He said that next year is an average of the preceding years. <br />Central Services <br />
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