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Commissioner Foushee said that it has been difficult to get the member agencies to <br />participate in the meetings and difficult to maintain business because there is not a quorum. <br />She is in support of this request. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this will bring the total to 22. Emily Adams said that <br />they did not want to send the message that certain groups were not relevant. She said that the <br />commission wants to fill at-large vacancies with constituents or other service providers that are <br />meeting the new human service needs. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that this commission is tasked with making <br />recommendations for Human Services funding. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he is willing to go along with this, but he thinks that the <br />commission should look at the positions that are empty and consolidate them into categories <br />instead of into organizations. Emily Adams said that they are working hard to get member <br />agencies at the meetings. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve a request from the Human Services Advisory Commission to expand its at-large <br />membership from seven members to eleven, but with modifications, which will keep the overall <br />membership at 18. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />7. Reports-NONE <br />8. Board Comments <br />Commissioner Nelson -none. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked Florence Soltys for putting together the meeting last <br />Friday about the men's homeless shelter that was held at the Seymour Senior Center. He also <br />thanked Chair Carey for representing well what the County Commissioners' role is and the <br />process so that the people understand that the County Commissioners are not near a decision <br />point yet. He also thought that Mayor Foy made a strong plea to the community to take the <br />responsibility for siting a men's shelter. He said that Mayor Foy also indicated that the Chapel <br />Hill Town Council will be considering pretty soon whether or not to give the County the go ahead <br />to investigate the past office as an alternative justice facilities site. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he and Chair Carey represented the Board of County <br />Commissioners at the dedication of the Occoneechee Village in Alamance County. This is a <br />reproduction of a 1680 Occoneechee village. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the County Commissioners keep getting different <br />complaints about noise. Gene Povorano keeps asking for help with the go cart track as far as <br />time that noise is made as well as the amount of noise. He suggested getting Mr. Povorano to <br />contact the Planning staff and County Attorney to try and figure out a better way to regulate <br />noise. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that one of the judges sent an email to Pam Jones and <br />copied him about trying to share on the website some of the schedules for construction and <br />parking changes as the courthouse expansion is done. He agrees with this. Beyond this, he <br />suggested having printouts of this information also. There is also a court website, so the <br />County website could be linked to this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he was concerned when he was at the Seymour Center <br />dedication, and the speakers were offered drinks, and they were given Styrofoam cups. He <br />would like far the County to use bio-degradable, reusable containers for food and beverages. <br />He does not see why there is not a better job of central purchasing in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the newspaper had an editorial about haw the County <br />Commissioners should talk about redoing the budget process with the schools. He said that <br />this was discussed, but it was not reported in the paper. <br />