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$590,000 sub-total <br />Building and Site -Proposed Probable Cast $5,385,000 total <br />Additional Design Fees TBD <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought the budget was for $5.8. million. Ellen <br />Weinstein said that this is correct. Of the $5.8 million, $4.2 million was originally designated as <br />construction casts. Pam Jones said that the $5.8 includes the land as well as design fees and <br />owner costs such as testing, etc. The funding plan will come back in August. <br />Laura Blackman said that this project will span two fiscal years, sa when the ten-year <br />capital plan is developed, the additional expenses for the second year will be adjusted. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked staff and design team for getting them to this paint. He <br />said that the County Commissioners did look at siting the building differently in response to <br />some early comments from the Chapel Hill Town Council. He asked why the parking was put in <br />the front. Ellen Weinstein said that this has to do with access to the site. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the anticipated visitors per day and Animal Services <br />Director Bob Marotto said it would vary between 50 or more in a day, not counting the <br />volunteers or staff or extra programs at the facility. The upper estimate of trips per day would <br />be 75. It could be increased, because a new facility like this will attract more people. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the amount of sidewalk and Ellen Weinstein said 560 <br />feet at about $10/linear foot. Commissioner Jacobs asked if this building was designed to be <br />expandable in the future and Ellen Weinstein said yes. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the sidewalk and the issue of going over the <br />railroad. Laura Blackmon said that she has made a call to the Town Manager about this. She <br />said that she came from ahigh-growth community where there were often sidewalks to and <br />from nowhere. She thinks it is easier for the developer to contribute the funds needed to build <br />the sidewalk, put it in a fund, and then when there were connections, there were funds to put <br />the sidewalks in. She said that there were often problems with the railroad right-of-way. The <br />Town of Chapel Hill may allow the County to provide funding in advance for construction of a <br />sidewalk. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the plans and endorse the Construction Manager at Risk method of contracting for this <br />project. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Request to Expand the At-Carpe Membership of the Human Services Advisory <br />Commission <br />The Board considered a request from the Human Services Advisory Commission to <br />expand its at-large membership from seven members to eleven. <br />Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey introduced Emily Adams, Chair of the Human <br />Services Advisory Commission, to talk in terms of the request to expand the membership. <br />Commissioner Foushee is the Commissioner liaison to this group. <br />Emily Adams said that currently there are seven at-large vacant positions, and there are <br />ten special representation positions. She said that adding four additional at-large member <br />positions would allow them to look for diverse areas to represent other human service needs. <br />The request is to increase from seven to eleven at-large positions. <br />