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Commissioner Nelson said that, in the future, he thinks that there should be versions of <br />the budget -one with a zero tax increase and one with the Manager's recommendations, <br />starting in December or January. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that the agenda materials for the upcoming meetings be <br />given to the Commissioners at least two days before the meeting. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that it helps him to see what the Manager's priorities are <br />before fully funding what was discussed in January. He wants to know what the Manager would <br />cut in priority order. He said that the school systems are forced to go through the process, and <br />he thinks the County should go through the same process. <br />Laura Blackmon said that this budget is a continuation of last year and what the Board <br />approved as priorities. She plans to start prioritizing programs. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that all of the upcoming meetings are already filled with <br />"stuff" and there is very little time left for the Board to talk as a group and make some decisions. <br />He is frustrated with the number of meetings that have been crammed into a month. <br />Cammissianer Gordon agreed that the Board needs a meeting to work and talk. <br />Laura Blackmon suggested maybe changing the schedule. She does not think that staff <br />functions well in this method. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that if some of the stress is relieved in the way in which the <br />County works with the schools, he thinks the whole process will change. For example, the <br />public hearings are right in the middle of the budget deliberations, and this adds stress. <br />Chair Carey said that in past years the Board has asked the Manager to present what <br />the Manager would recommend based on cutting the Manager's recommendation by one or two <br />cents. He would like to look at least at a one-cent cut by the next meeting. <br />8. Adjournment <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />adjourn the meeting at 10:10 PM. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Moses Carey, Jr., Chair <br />David Hunt <br />Deputy Clerk to the Board <br />