Minutes - 20070605
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070605
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Agenda - 06-05-2007-
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On the operating side, State salary increase for teachers and staff are well <br />deserved. There are also associated mandates such as health insurance increases and <br />the retirement match. Opening Carrboro High School will relieve severe overcrowding at <br />the other two high schools, but will require a significant infusion of operating dollars. <br />This is a very appropriate funding use of the district tax as it provides a revenue source <br />without increasing the tax of the OCS residents. She encouraged the County <br />Commissioners to use the district tax to fund the additional operating costs of opening <br />Carrboro High School and the funding for Elementary School #10. She said that they do <br />support increasing property taxes as well, so that they can continue existing programs, <br />etc. <br />Far the last several years, the number one goal of CHCCS has been closing the <br />achievement gap, with all schools meeting No Child Left Behind standards and meeting <br />State proficiency standards. There has been progress in the elementary and middle <br />school levels, and they have turned attention to the high school level. She said that <br />CHCCS is not number one in North Carolina for all children. The vast majority of the <br />district students will go onto college, but there is concern about those who do not and <br />those who do not finish college, and especially those who do not graduate from high <br />school. She said that children now need to be able to compete globally, and this <br />requires education beyond proficiency. She said that the school board has combed <br />through the requests and brought only the most valuable and essential as it relates to <br />the benefit of the students. <br />Because of the uncertainty of funding and the message that was heard of no tax <br />increase except to cover the new debt service, the school system took a parallel <br />approach to convene a working committee to examine potential cuts. It is not the <br />intention to offend or to cause alarm, but to be prepared and to illuminate the severity of <br />the Manager's proposed budget. She urged the County Commissioners to minimally <br />fund the mandated items, the opening of Carrboro High School and planning for <br />Elementary School #10, and sufficient funds for existing programs. <br />Superintendent Pedersen spoke from the document in the plastic sleeve <br />{incorporated by reference). <br />Superintendent Pedersen said that he prepared this document because the staff <br />and school board have worked hard on the budget, particularly as they heard word that <br />there would not be tax increases except for servicing debt. This report was written after <br />the Manager's Recommended Budget was presented. He said that he will not try to <br />convince the County Commissioners of their needs since they heard the speakers last <br />night. He said that CHCCS is in a different place than it has been in the past. He said <br />that, from his vantage point, this is a different ballgame. He said that he is here to ask <br />for funding for education, particularly the part that the County Commissioners are <br />responsible for, and to show them the ramifications of what a "no tax increase" stance <br />would have on the school system. <br />He said that if the per-pupil allocation remains the same and they get money for <br />growth, the schools will not be able to function as they did because of two budget drivers <br />-mandated salary increases and opening Carrboro High School and Elementary School <br />#10. <br />The net increase in revenues as compared to 2006-07 is $1.2 million. The <br />difference between revenues under the Manager's recommendation and the <br />School Board's request is $6.1 million. <br />Superintendent Pedersen said that he knows the budget will not be fully funded. <br />He knew that the County Manager would prepare a budget assuming no tax increase <br />over and above the amount necessary to pay debt service, per the request of the Board <br />of County Commissioners. In light of this, an ad hoc budget committee was convened to <br />
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