Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> • Section 5.2:Table af Permitted Uses <br />� <br /> • . • . • • � <br /> . <br /> • . s � <br /> -� <br /> N+OTE:Applic�ti�s#or Can�itior�al 2onirtg[}is�must list speafic us�for c�r�sideratioNa�rovat <br /> TELECOiAMUNiCAT{ONS <br /> Telecommunication Tower—Stealth(75 feet or sharter) " <br /> Telecommunication Towers(150 feet in height ar shorter) " � <br /> Telecommunication Tawers(greater than 150 in height) " <br /> TEMPORARY USES <br /> Buildings, Porkable <br /> Temporary Mobile Home(Custadial Care) <br /> Temporary Mobile Home(Use during constructiontinstallatian af <br /> permanent residential unit and for 30 days fallowing,issuance af <br /> Certificate of Occu anc <br /> Tw►�s�R�anoN <br /> Bus Passenger Shelter * <br /> Bus Terminals&Garages '` <br /> Motor Freight Termina(s " <br /> Motor Vehicle Maintenance&Repair � <br /> Bod Shop) <br /> Motor Vehicle Repair Garage * <br /> Motor Vehicle Sales Rental � <br /> New&Used <br /> Motor Vehicle Services Statians " <br /> Parking As Principle Use, SurFace ar Structure * <br /> Petroleum Products: Storage&Distribution * <br /> Postal&Parcel Delivery Services " <br /> CITILITIES <br /> Elevated Water Storage Tanks * <br />' Public Utility Stations&Sub-Stations,Switching Stations, „ <br /> Tele hone Exchan es,Water&Sewa e Treatment Plants <br /> � Electric, Gas.and Liquid Fuel Transmission�ines " <br /> Orange Gounty,North Carolina—Unified Development flrdinance Page 5-25 <br />