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ARTICLE 5: USES <br />SECTION 5.1: ESTABLISHMENT OF USE REGULATIONS <br />Except . as otherwise provided herein, regulations governing the use of land and structures are hereby <br />established as shown in the Table of Permitted Uses. <br />5.1.1 Prohibited Uses <br />Uses of land or structures which are not expressly listed in the Table of Permitted Uses (Section <br />5.2), as Permitted Principal Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses or Special Uses in a district are <br />prohibited and shall not be established within that district. <br />5.1.2 Uses Permitted As a Matter of Riaht <br />Within all districts the following uses are permitted as a matter of right: <br />(A) Above ground and buried utility lines for local distribution of electricity, telephone, and <br />cable television service, accessory and appurtenant apparatus such as poles, guy wires, <br />transformers and switching boxes. <br />(B) Cabinetized telephone and /or fiber optic equipment associated with the local distribution <br />of services. Setbacks from the right -of -way for such equipment may be reduced to 20 <br />feet in the Agricultural Residential, Rural Residential and Rural Buffer zoning districts <br />provided that the equipment is screened from view by landscape materials. <br />(C) Bona fide farms. <br />(D) Buildings and other temporary structures used in connection with the construction of a <br />permanent building. (See Section 5.4.4) ' <br />(E) Neighborhood utility facilities located within a public right of way with the permission of <br />the owner of the right of way (State, City or Town). <br />(F) Off street parking as a required accessory use to a permitted use. <br />(G) Public and private streets and roads. Railroad rights of way. <br />(H) Water and sanitary sewer lines, gas and liquid fuel distribution lines. <br />(1) Telephone exchanges (without business offices), subscriber loop huts, pressure regulator <br />stations, water and sanitary sewer pumping stations. (See Section 5.9.1) 2 <br />(J) Electrical substations, switching and metering stations and associated transmission lines, <br />where incoming voltage does not exceed 100 kilovolts (kv). (See Section 5.9.2). <br />(K) Solid waste collection facilities owned and operated by a public agency for the purpose of <br />disposal of household waste by Orange County residents. (See Section 5.11.1) 3 <br />(L) Borrow pits (including reclamation by landfilling) associated with a State or Federal <br />highway project. (See Section 5.12.1). <br />5.1.3 Special Uses <br />(A) It is the intention of the Board of County Commissioners to create, and from time to time <br />amend, a list of Special Uses within the Table of Permitted Uses which, because of their <br />inherent nature, extent and external effects, require special care in the control of their <br />location and methods of operation. <br />1 This section of the Ub0 provides reference to various sections where standards governing the development of the <br />denoted land use are contained. Staff is adding the appropriate reference to this particular use <br />z. Staff is providing the appropriate section reference where development standards are located for this particular use <br />' Again, staff is providing the appropriate reference <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -1 <br />