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Article 5: Uses <br />Section 5.9: Standards for Utilities <br />surface area for the parcel in accordance with the provisions of Section <br />4.2. <br />M Arrays shall be allowed to be erected anywhere on the property outside <br />of established setback areas, designated open space areas, and <br />well/septic system setback areas as identified by Orange County <br />24 <br />Environmental Health. <br />(d) Arrays shall observe the principal setback requirements of the underlying <br />zoning district where the Property is located as detailed within Article 3. <br />In the case of an array erected on a non-residentially zoned Property, the <br />array shall not be located within any required setback, landscape, or <br />buffer area. <br />(e) If a ground mounted array is removed, any earth disturbance shall be <br />graded and reseeded within 60 days. <br />(13) Standards for Solar Array — Large Facility (Class B Special Use Permit) <br />(1) Submittal Requirements <br />In addition to the information required by Section 2.7, the following shall be <br />submitted as part of the application: <br />access areas, topography at a contour interval of five feet, any officially <br />designated floodolains or alluvial soils. 14�) <br />(b) An assessment of the power needs for all structures on the property and <br />the anticipated power generated by the proposed array. <br />(c) The Proposed arrays distance from all structures located on the Property. <br />(d) Plans and elevations for all proposed structures and arrays as well as <br />descriptions of the color and nature of all exterior materials. <br />(e) Landscape Plan, at the same scale as the site plan, showing existing <br />and proposed trees, shrubs, ground cover and other landscape material <br />(f) A soils report denoting the types of soil on the Property including detail <br />on the compaction necessary to support the proposed development. <br />(2) Standards of Evaluation <br />W(a). The proposed array shall not require the alteration of existing land use(s <br />to accommodate development. <br />(b) All on-site utility and transmission lines shall, to the extent feasible, be <br />placed under-ground. <br />(c) The height of Proposed arrays and support structures shall not exceed <br />the height requirements of the underlying zoning district where the <br />Property is located as detailed within Article 3. <br />24 There was significant discussion about viable locations for arrays at the Public Hearing, Planning Board, and the <br />Commissioner for the Environment meeting. The revised language denoted in green text would allow for the <br />erection of an array anywhere on the property outside of established setback and open space areas. Staff has <br />included language referencing required setbacks for utility systems (i.e. septic and well areas) enforced by the <br />County Health Department as well. <br />" Additional language added to address concerns made at the August 27, 2012 Quarterly Public Hearing. Revised <br />language denoted with bold text <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-79 <br />