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Article 6: Uses <br />Section 5.9: Standards for Utilities <br />(5) /\ Type E ufhnrshaUbeprov�ed along any po�konofthe <br />pehmebarofthe ponce|, easement, or leasehold |ooeb*d mdi4mant to property <br />zoned for residential uae, except vvhena such property is owned, leased or <br />consists of other uU|ib/ aomanlenta currently used for electrical distribution or <br />transmission purposes ornm other purposes. <br />(6) Existing vegetation within an easement, leasehold or parcel of a public utility may <br />be used to satisfy the landscaping requirements. <br />(7) Modification to or replacement of existing facilities shall be subject to the <br />requirements set forth in this Section. Pre existing facilities may remain during <br />construction of replacement haci|itiee, but shall be dismantled after the <br />replacement facility is in operation. <br />(8) The parcel or easement across the parcel, (whether owned or leased bythe <br />utility) on which the facility is located shall contain a minimum area of 5000 <br />square feet. <br />(9) The applicant shall submit proof of liability insurance covering bodily inmury and <br />Property damage demonstrating a minimum coverage limit of $ 500,000.00 per <br />5.9.3 Public Utility Stations and Substations, Including Electric Substations, Metering, and <br />Switching Stations Receiving More Than 10O Kilovolts (kv)of Electricity, Water Treatment, <br />Sewage Treatment P| t Telephone Exchanges <br />(A) Standards for Class A Special Use Permits <br />(1) Submittal Requirements <br />In addition tothe information required by Section 2.7, the following shall be <br />submitted ou part of the application: <br />(a) A site plan showing all existing or proposed buildings, storage areas, <br />parking and access areas, topography ado contour interval of five feet, <br />any officially designated Onndp|oineoralluvial soils. <br />(b) Plans and elevations for all proposed structures and descriptions ofthe <br />color and nature of all exterior materials. <br />(c) Landscape Plan, sd the same scale ao the site plan, showing existing <br />and proposed trees, shrubs, ground cover and other landscape material. <br />(2) Standards of Evaluation <br />o> Perimeter fencino and setbacks for the uti|bY structure shall |bt J[gYkde� <br />in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code. <br />(b) The facility shall be located on a parcel or an easement across the <br />parcel, (whether owned or leased by the utility) which has been recorded <br />with the Orange County Register of Deeds. <br />(c) Access easements extending from an approved pblic or private road to <br />the facility shall be a minimum width of 30 feet. <br />enaa building io involved and diu proposed tobe located ina <br />residentially zoned district, it shall have the appearance suitable fora <br />residential d|mtrict, oritshall ba screened from adjacent residential land. <br />9 Staff is changing the wording to reflect the actual term utilized in Article 6' where required land use buffers are <br />established. <br />mThere iyuo mention o£ proof of liability insurance for major utilities. Staff lm proposing to add such u provision. <br />Proposed subsections (a), (b) and (e) are required for the small public utility land use category. Staff does not <br />believe the original intent of the Ordinance was tn eliminate these requirements from the larger, more intensive, <br />public utility land use category. The standards will apply here uawell. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page5-74 <br />