Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br />Section 5.Q: Standards furUU|iUem <br />(k) Transportation improvements oo deemed necessary bythe <br />Traffic Impact Study. <br />M The site shall be designed ho take advantage of multiple shared <br />use opportunities, which may include a Park and Ride facility for <br />public transportation. <br />(vi) Site Access <br />a� There shall teo minimum of two access points tothe <br />a/oa. <br />b. Access points shall separate student drop-off areas and <br />visitor parking from bus traffic. <br />C. |f school buses are used, then at least one access shall <br />be limited to school employee and bus use during <br />normal school hours. <br />d. All access points shall ba located to provide maximum <br />visibility and safety. <br />e. No driveway shall be permitted ine location that will <br />hinder or congest traffic movement ong public street. <br />6.$.1 Telephone Exchanges (without business offices), subscriber loop huts, pressure regulator <br />stations, water and sanitary aevvmr pumping stations <br />(A) General Standards <br />(1) The design of structures shall conform as closely as possible to the character of <br />the area inwhich it is located. <br />(2) Building or structures shall conform to the minimum building setback distances <br />for the applicable zoning district and shall not exceed 800 square feet in area. <br />(3) All buildings and structures shall ba landscaped and screened according tothe <br />standards that follow: <br />(a) Buildings and structures which resemble residential accessory structures <br />must ba landscaped and maintained in the character ofaresidential <br />area. <br />(b) Any outside storage areas must be fenced with a minimum five foot <br />fence and the area screened from adjacent property according tothe <br />standards in this section. <br />(o) Lighting in and around these facilities shall be constructed and shielded <br />ooas not to shine directly on adjoining property used for or zoned for <br />residential purposes. Electrical and telephone service to the structure <br />shall be placed underground. Types of lighting tobe considered shall <br />include, but not be limited to, indoor lights when visible through windows, <br />outdoor lighting, automobile headlights and signs. Devices toshield <br />lighting may include shades, fences, shrubs, trees and natural <br />conditions. <br />(d) Parking areas and driveways used in connection with facilities <br />constructed pursuant tu this Section shall either be surfaced or shall be <br />located and maintained ino condition so that dust and dirt will not settle <br />on adjoining properties aea result of their use. Driveway entrances shall <br />be located in a manner that will create as few additional traffic hazards <br />as possible. <br />(e) Screening <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-72 <br />