Minutes - 20070604
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070604
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Lorenzo Mesia is a CHCCS parent. He requested the County Commissioners to raise <br />his taxes to fully fund the schools. He quoted several references that say that higher school <br />performance affects property values positively. <br />Gary Feng is a CHCCS parent. He said that tonight's message is loud and clear. He <br />asked the County Commissioners to please fully fund the school system. <br />Eileen McWlliam asked the County Commissioners to fully fund both school districts' <br />budgets. She is the parent Co-Chair of the SGC at Frank Porter Graham Elementary School. <br />She presented a petition from aver 100 parents at FPG who support full funding of both <br />budgets. She said that she makes this request with the most gratitude for the County <br />Commissioners' valiant efforts to grapple with the competing needs fairly. She believes that the <br />struggle for equity is a noble one, but she fears that it underlies the reluctance to raise taxes in a <br />counterproductive way. The struggle for equity takes place at the school level, the district level, <br />and the County level. She said that the solution is surely not to under-fund all schoals equally. <br />She said that this is not the year to take a stand on taxes. The State has mandated a raise in <br />teacher's pay and CHCCS is opening a new high school. There is no choice but to pay these <br />additional casts, and the district tax needs to be raised to do this. <br />Matthew Davis is a CHCCS parent and said that he is here to support both school <br />systems. He said that the teachers deserve their pay raises. He said that the budget <br />documents do not talk about morale of the children. He asked the County Commissioners to <br />think about morale for bath the children and the teachers. He said that there needs to be some <br />accountability. He asked the County Commissioners what the schools could do to show that <br />they are being accountable. <br />Tom Barth said that his child starts kindergarten in the fall, hopefully in the dual <br />language program. This program has received national acclaim, and yet it could be cut. He <br />said that to fully fund the schools would be only a very modest increase. He said that we should <br />get over the hump this year and think about controlling the growth in the future. <br />JB Hue said that he came to Chapel Hill for UNC and then he realized that he also came <br />here because of the schoals. He said that he decided to stay, even though he has opportunities <br />to leave, because of the schools. He thanked the County Commissioners for making the <br />schoals the best and he asked that they keep doing it. He thinks that this area is the capital of <br />education in the State. He is willing to have his taxes raised. <br />Mary Wolff is a CHCCS parent and a volunteer at the schools. She said that she cannot <br />believe that the two options presented - to cut school programs and teachers, or to raise taxes <br />-are the only two options to this budget crisis. She resents feeling that the County is holding <br />her children's education hostage for a tax increase. She wants more choices. She said that the <br />County Commissioners should identify all of the programs and budget increases that they are <br />considering approving that are not part of the schools' budget; then she would like for them to <br />come up with a budget that fully funds the necessary required expenses of the schools; then <br />identify other expenses and programs that may be reduced, delayed, or eliminated to balance <br />the budget so that there is little ar no need for a tax increase. She understands that the County <br />Commissioners have raised taxes every year for the past 18 years. She does not believe that <br />any community can sustain itself with a tax increase every year. <br />Liz Grabill is a CHCCS parent. She said that she and her husband are both attorneys. <br />She said that maintaining the current request of the Superintendent may not be sufficient, <br />particularly far the best and brightest. She is particularly disturbed because the budget cuts will <br />disproportionately impact the elementary schoals. She suggested that instead of fully funding <br />the schools, that they spend even more. She said that she came from Maryland, where they <br />spend about $8,000 per child. She does not feel that $2,957 is much. She is facing a personal <br />dilemma about whether to stay here or to move somewhere else and put her children in private <br />schools. She said that the property values will not continue going up if the quality of education <br />goes down. <br />
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