Minutes - 20070604
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070604
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about this comment and everyone said that it sounds like the accountability is on the schools <br />and not the Board of County Commissioners. He asked the County Commissioners if they were <br />willing to accept responsibility and be accountable for doing the right thing. <br />Teresa Edwards is an OCS parent. She said that it may be true that the Orange County <br />schools are rated highest in the State, but the State ranks low overall. She said that she wants <br />the students to be competitive on national and international levels, and not just within the State <br />borders. She said that OCS is not asking for alot -they just want warm water in the <br />bathrooms, they want to retain teachers, etc. She said that it is not acceptable that the citizens <br />have to go through all of this drama every year for these same issues. She said that she <br />reviewed the OCS budget and she did not see any fat on it. She asked the County <br />Commissioners to fund the schools this year and spend the next several months focusing on <br />long-term solutions so that the citizens do not have to come back next year asking for the same <br />things. <br />Will Owens thanked all of the County Commissioners and said that they must be crazy <br />to run for office. He said that almost any solution to the budget will certainly have an adverse <br />affect on same groups in this County. He is an OCS parent and he asked the County <br />Commissioners to fully fund the school system's budget as requested. He said that to not do so <br />will force the school board to cut many vital teaching assistants and slash important student <br />oriented services. He asked the County Commissioners to raise his taxes and to also look at <br />ways to balance the local tax base. He asked the Board to avoid redundancy in doing business <br />in this County the same old ways. <br />Miranda Danku is an OC5 parent. She asked the County Commissioners to fully fund <br />the school budget by increasing taxes. She said that not funding the schools will have an <br />adverse affect on the community at-large. She said that right now less than half of students that <br />speak English as a second language are able to receive ESL services because the teacher is <br />shared with two other Orange County schools. She asked the County Commissioners to keep <br />the big picture in mind. <br />Eric Davis said that he is again asking for full funding for both school districts. He said <br />that it is imperative that his child has a quality education. He said that he understands that the <br />County Commissioners have to take care of a lot of people and especially those on fixed <br />incomes. The County Commissioners need to be creative in their thinking. He said that the <br />education of children in Orange County is the greatest need at this time and that the people are <br />not fussing at the County Commissioners, but at the process. He said that for right now, the <br />taxes should be raised, but at some point there will be a ceiling on this, so there should be some <br />creative thinking. <br />Victoria Krebs is a CHCCS parent. She said that they moved from Knoxville, Tennessee <br />two years ago and decided to buy a house in Chapel Hill because of the schools. She said that <br />if the school budget does not get funded, then it will discourage teachers from applying in <br />Chapel Hill, it will further overwork the present teachers, and it will begin the downward spiral of <br />the school systems. She said that CHCCS has a national reputation now for being <br />phenomenal. It is really hard to rebuild a reputation. She is happy to pay more taxes to fund <br />the schools. <br />Vern Miller is from northern Orange County and said that people in the County are not <br />downtrodden or poor, but they are regular folks that do not make a lot of money, and there are a <br />lot of them. He said that they do not drive expensive cars or take lavish vacations. He said that <br />these people have been paying taxes for a long time and they were born here. He said that <br />longevity should account for something. He said that he does not want his taxes raised. He <br />said that it seems that there should be a process for those that want to have their taxes raised, <br />to open an account far the school systems and let people donate money to the school systems. <br />
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