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to protect her investment. She said that if the quality of their schools go down, so will the <br />property values. She asked the County Commissioners to please raise her taxes. <br />Mia Burroughs is a CHCCS parent. She said that it is true weariness to watch the <br />budget process. She said that she has come to see this budget process as a dance. She <br />encouraged all parties involved to find ways to make the budget mare collaborative and less <br />combative. She asked the County Commissioners to raise her taxes or to da whatever is <br />necessary to fully fund both school systems. <br />Kate Kennedy is the IT Faculty Ca-Chair at Seawell Elementary and a Gifted Education <br />Specialist. She is also a spouse of a Special Education Inclusion Facilitator and the mother of a <br />child with severe autism. She said that they are faced each year with these cuts and it affects <br />morale. She asked the County Commissioners to fund both schools' budgets. <br />Lynn Lehman is a CHCCS parent and President of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public <br />School Foundation. She expressed support for fully funded school budgets for both districts. <br />She said that the citizens and the local government of Orange County have a social <br />responsibility to provide adequate annual funding far those that need services, including funding <br />for quality education services for all. She said that the proposed budget does not even come <br />close to meeting the school districts' mandatory casts. The budget has the schools digressing <br />and not moving forward. She said that for some students school is the safe place to land and <br />the only place that they can turn. She said that the importance of after school programs, school <br />counselors, specialists, and Schaal security has never been greater; yet these are the very <br />positions an the chopping black if the schools are not funded. She said that the cost of raising <br />the taxes will be a lot less than the long-term casts of not funding the schools. <br />Joe Kennedy is a teacher at UNC. He made reference to the comments about the <br />unfunded State mandates and where Orange County ranks statewide in county support for <br />public education. He said that this is the Triangle and the nature of this area is to attract highly <br />educated high wage earners who can afford to put their children in private education. He said <br />that he understands that school is expensive and the education budget may seem extravagant, <br />but it is the nature of the economy that the public school children need to be competitive. He <br />said that the most substantial and reliable protection people have against hardship is a decent <br />job. Far people living in this area, the gateway to the jobs will always be a good education. He <br />said that fully funding the schools is the mast progressive thing that the County Commissioners <br />can da. <br />Rebecca McMillan is Vice-Chair of Parent Governance Committee at Mary Scroggs <br />Elementary School. She presented a petition of 240 people that were in favor of fully funding <br />the CHCCS budget. She said that Mary Scroggs is one of the mast crowded schools -with <br />700+ children in a school built to accommodate 575. She said that they are deeply concerned <br />that the proposed budget farces CHCCS to choose between quality education and growth. <br />Shell Brownstein said that she has been a taxpayer in Orange County for 14 years and <br />she is a CHCCS parent. She has also served on a Superintendent's Ad Hoc Budget Committee <br />this year. She testified that during that process every effort was made to trim the budget. There <br />was a long list of items of possible cuts. She said that none of these cuts are tolerable. She <br />said that the CHCCS budget cuts will hit the elementary schools particularly hard. She urged <br />the County Commissioners to adopt bath school budgets without cutting out the heart and soul <br />of the schools. She encouraged the Board to initiate long-term cooperative planning between <br />the Town, County, and the state and federal governments for a smarter budget process, smarter <br />land development, and alternative revenue services. <br />Faith Nager is Vice-Chair of Chapel Hill Recreation Commission and she thanked the <br />Board for recognizing the need for more recreational opportunities and in actively participating in <br />the building of facilities that will provide year-round swimming, much needed playing fields, <br />playgrounds, and other recreational opportunities. She said that as a parent of a CHCCS child <br />and as a participant on the CHCCS Special Needs Advisory Council, she implores the Board to <br />