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5 <br /> Ordinance. <br /> Staff was tasked with the following: <br /> Propose amendments to the UDO that will more strongly encourage quality, non- <br /> residential development in the EDDs while balancing any adverse impacts to <br /> adjacent properties and the environment. Ensure the amendments work within the <br /> overall framework of the UDO and how Orange County regulates development but <br /> do not propose changes to the Table of Permitted Uses (Section 5.2) at this time. <br /> 2. Analysis <br /> As required under Section 2.8.5 of the Orange County Unified Development <br /> Ordinance, the Planning Director is required to: 'cause an analysis to be made of the <br /> application and, based upon that analysis, prepare a recommendation for <br /> consideration by the Planning Board and the Board of County Commissioners'. <br /> Each proposed change in the amendment packet is footnoted with a brief reason or <br /> rationale for the change. Additionally, proposed changes have been color-coded to <br /> indicate the level of significance (in staffs opinion) of the change. This was done to <br /> enhance the reviewability of the packet and to draw reviewers' attention to more <br /> substantive amendments. Reviewers are encouraged to read each footnote as every <br /> change is not analyzed here. <br /> In staff s opinion, the most significant proposed changes are to Sections 6.2.5 and <br /> 6.2.6. The.proposed changes in Section 6.2.5 removes the requirement for a Class <br /> A Special use Permit (SUP) for projects in the designated growth area if a project has <br /> more than one principal use on a zoning lot. Current regulations require a Class A <br /> SUP for any project that isn't a single-use project. This is an onerous requirement for <br /> projects proposed in designated growth areas. <br /> The proposed changes in Section 6.2.6 would allow more than one principal structure <br /> on a zoning lot greater than 2 acres in size if it is located in one of the designated <br /> growth areas. Current regulations require projects that have more than one building <br /> on a lot that's larger than 2 acres to go through the Conditional Use process or the <br /> Conditional Zoning process. This is an onerous requirement for projects proposed in <br /> designated growth areas. <br /> Section 6.3 also contains a significant change. The proposal is to replace the Site <br /> Volume Ratios that are quite uncommon, very site-specific, and applicable only in the <br /> Economic Development Districts (EDDs) with the more commonly used ratios of <br /> Floor Area Ratio, Open Space Ratio, and Pedestrian/Landscape Ratio. These are <br /> the types of ratios used in the other zoning districts contained in the UDO. <br /> Impervious Surface Ratios are also currently used and will continue to be used. The <br /> proposed new ratios are shown in each relevant chart for the ED zoning districts <br /> located in Article 3. <br /> Other significant changes include: <br /> • Section 6.4.3 Noise: An increase in the allowed sound level limits in <br /> Commercial, Industrial, and Conditional zoning districts and in the Economic <br /> Development zoning districts. Attachment 3 is a chart depicting what a decibel <br /> 2 <br />