ORD-2012-004 Amendments to Unified Development Ordinance Text (UDO /Zoning 2011 -06
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2012-004 Amendments to Unified Development Ordinance Text (UDO /Zoning 2011 -06
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Last modified
3/12/2019 3:29:17 PM
Creation date
11/14/2012 10:14:36 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 02-07-2012 - 7e
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Article 3: Base Zoning Districts 29 <br /> Section 3.4: General Commercial Districts <br /> 3. The residential density permitted on a given parcel is based on the Watershed Protection Overlay District in <br /> which the property is located. Refer to Section 4.2.4 for a breakdown of the allowable density(i.e.,the <br /> number of individual dwellings that can be developed on a parcel of property). 416- <br /> 4. Allowable impervious surface area is based on the Watershed Protection Overlay District in which the <br /> property is located. Refer to Sections 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 for a breakdown of the allowable impervious surface <br /> area. Additionally, Section 4.2.6 may require a larger lot size for non-residential uses than is contained in' <br /> the Dimensional and Ratio Standards Table. <br /> 5. For lots outside of a Watershed Protection Overlay Distrlok4see Section 4.2),the minimum usable lotarea <br /> for lots that utilize ground absorption wastewater system§%hall be 30,000 square feet for parcels between <br /> 40,000 square feet and 1.99 acres in size;zoning lots two acres and greater in size shall have a minimum <br /> usable lot area of at least 40,000 square feet. <br /> 6. Proposed subdivisions are subject to all applicable subdivision standards detailed in Article 7. Note that <br /> Article 7 provides for different dimensional requirements than those shown in the Dimensional and Ratio <br /> Standards table depending upon the type of subdivision proposed and the percentage of open space <br /> provided. <br /> 7. Subdivisions proposing private roads are subject to larger setbacks and minimum lot sizes than those listed <br /> in the Dimensional and Ratio Standards. Refer to Section 7.8.4 for additional requirements. Refer to <br /> Section 7.8.5 for private road standards. <br /> 8. Subdivisions in the Economic Development, Commercial and/or Industrial Nodes are subject to the <br /> procedure outlined in Section 2.16. <br /> 9. Normally,the maximum amount of land zoned to this district shall not exceed five acres. <br /> 10. The site shall be located near major transportation corridors and have access to adequate public roadway <br /> network. <br /> # 'the let gFeater tha--n Ran--res.iR size, a Glass A SpeGial Use Permit and site Plaf:i, <br /> �diti6Raf Ose(GU)PistgGt, n-r C-grid-itip-Ral—ZORiAg(GZ) D76tFiGt shall be approved by the Beard of Geur;ty <br /> 0 paFGels less than bAre- a;G_FP_G_ill size,multiple non Fes;d8Rtial uses s-hall <br /> othAr short ta—lease, shall Ant be nnng4darad;an;;ddit'QA:41 6169. <br /> 21 Changes to Sections 6.2.5 and 6.2.6 are proposed(see relevant portion of this amendment package). Since the <br /> proposed changes involve an additional exception,staff is suggesting that language be added to#2 to direct users to <br /> the appropriate Section of the UDO if the users'project involves more than one non-residential principal use or <br /> principal structure instead of having two separate Development Standards(#11 and#12)in this chart. <br /> Orange County,North Carolina–Unified Development Ordinance Page 3-31 <br />
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