Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> Article 2: Procedures <br /> Section 2.5:Site Plan Review <br /> (EI) GradiRg, draiRage, sedinieRtatieR apd-e��f4-a lti Atic-s- <br /> (h) The le <br /> (i) The!GGatien Of MitallS,feRGeG, F 4439-6-���* <br /> their height and GGR&tR+GtGfHIAat94atS, <br /> t4filities <br /> wateF, sew <br /> (k) ldL-RtifiG-;AQ-R R-Ind- IGG <br /> SigRifiGaRt <br /> (B) Major Transportation Corridor Overlay District <br /> (1) Approval Requirements <br /> Within the Major Transportation Corridor District, no construction activity shall <br /> begin nor shall any excavation, soil removal,filling,grading or disturbance of <br /> vegetation, including trees, be commenced, nor any sign erected until such time <br /> as a site plan has been approved and a permit issued by the Planning Director in <br /> accordance with this Section and Sections 2.4 @Rd 2.5.4 of this Ordinance. <br /> EaGh appliGation fGr a peFFni <br /> (a) A ViGi <br /> b4s#449 the !GG2tiGR Gf-4l4e-PfGjsGt-. <br /> (b) A develepment r.UI4;MaFV;Relud,,ng4Gta4-aGFes, P---,-G-sed use(s), tG <br /> (G) The diMeRSiORs and <br /> UPGR OF c)thep.,..-- <br /> and their relatie.p to r-,--!FF96ind!Rg prepeFties. <br /> The leGatiGR and <br /> (f) The!GGa#G44-8f points of-eR"4-e-it fGF <br /> ehiGUlaF r*Gulatien patteFR. <br /> The lGra#eF-a r diRq-af-e�, <br /> (h) The losa#iea e f its <br /> (i) All ex tiRg and PFOPOSeGI teP99FaP14�(at GORtGUF <br /> leeatiGR of existing and PFGPGse4-plaM44js-and----c�* <br /> VI/ ng-s-. <br /> 0) The 19GatieR of-e�x;-&;9 and stp- F <br /> bUffeFs and-dfai+�a��,, <br /> theiF height and Ggn&UGtion materials. <br /> (R) The lgGatiOR and size of all existi. <br /> wateF, sewer-,gas-,aP4-e�* <br /> 2 Other than one requirement,this section is redundant with Section 2.5.3. The one requirement is suggested to be <br /> added to Section 2.5.3 and this subsection can then be deleted. [see related footnote in Section 2.5.3]. <br /> Orange County,North Carolina-Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-13 <br />