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12 Article 2: Procedures <br /> Section 2.5: Site Plan Review <br /> (1) Erosion control and grading plans as necessary to be approved by the Erosion <br /> Control Officer for a grading permit, and <br /> (2) Building construction plans to be-approved by the Building Official prior to <br /> issuance of a building permit. <br /> 2.5.3 Plan Specifications <br /> Each site plan shall be drawn at a scale adequate to show required detail and shall contain the <br /> following information: <br /> (A) The boundary of the lot(s)to be developed labeled with bearings and distances; <br /> (B) The name, address, and phone number of the applicant and the property owner; <br /> (C) Name of project, vicinity map, north arrow, scale,tax map reference number, date of plan <br /> preparation, and subsequent revision dates; <br /> (D) Zoning of the property to be developed and all adjacent zoning and existing adjacent land <br /> uses; <br /> (E) Adjacent right-of-way widths with road names and numbers; <br /> (F) A development summary including total acres, proposed use(s), total building square <br /> footage, required and proposed parking spaces.' [Note that subsequent requirements (G <br /> through V) have been automatically renumbered] <br /> (G) Demonstrated compliance with all applicable performance standards contained in Articles <br /> 3,4, 5, and 6 of this Ordinance; <br /> (H) Maximum and proposed impervious surface and required stream buffers as detailed in <br /> Sections 4.2 and 6.12 of this Ordinance; <br /> (1) Estimated traffic generated by the proposed development in trips per day. If the estimate <br /> exceeds 800 trips per day, a traffic impact study must be submitted in accordance with <br /> Section 6.17; <br /> (J) Front, side, and rear building setbacks as required by Articles 3 and 5 of this Ordinance; <br /> (K) Location of all proposed buildings and structures labeled with floor area, building height <br /> and function, and proposed finished floor elevation; <br /> (L) Vehicular use areas including existing and proposed streets and access drives, off street <br /> parking and loading to comply with Section 6.9 of this Ordinance, and entry/exit points of <br /> adjacent parcels; <br /> (M) Overhead and underground utilities with accompanying easements and storm drainage <br /> facilities/easements(including septic tanks and wastewater disposal fields,wells, fire <br /> hydrants, irrigation, and security lights); <br /> (N) Solid waste disposal facilities; <br /> (0) All proposed free-standing and wall-mounted signs. Signs must comply with Section 6.12 <br /> of this Ordinance; <br /> (P) A landscape plan demonstrating compliance with Section 6.8 of this Ordinance; <br /> (Q) For all developments other than single-family residential and duplexes, existing contour <br /> lines(dashed)and proposed contours(solid) at 5-foot intervals with 10-foot contours <br /> bold. Where site conditions warrant,2-foot contours may be required; <br /> 'In an effort to streamline the UDO in areas related to economic development efforts,this requirement is suggested <br /> to apply to all site plans since it is reasonable to require of all site plans and it is the only requirement in existing <br /> Section 2.5.7(A)(2)and 2.5.7(B)(2)that is not redundant with Section 2.5.3. Adding this reasonable requirement, <br /> which the large majority of applicants already provide in order to show compliance with(G),to Section 2.5.3 will <br /> allow for deletion of the redundant sections. <br /> Orange County,North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-10 <br />