Orange County NC Website
Sarah Kendall is in the 3rd grade at Cameron Park. She said that their school needs <br />money and fully funded budgets. She asked the County Commissioners to give OCS the <br />money it needs. <br />Aaron Kendall is a ~h grader at Stanford. He said that it is budget crunch time. He said <br />that he could tell the County Commissioners all about the budget line items. He said that all <br />OCS schools have needs. He said that they couldn't afford to not fund their schools. He said <br />that each student deserves to have a clean, functioning school that houses dedicated and <br />appreciated staff. He said that if excellence is possible, then good is not enough. <br />Suzanne Gould has a son that works at the jail as a Deputy Sheriff and she is a teacher. <br />She said that her son says that there are so many young people in jail. She told him that school <br />systems that support children at an earlier age are much better off. She said that these at-risk <br />children need school-funded programs. She said that Orange County needs to have alternative <br />sources for the tax base and it needs to broaden the tax base. She agrees that all schools need <br />to be funded. She suggested charging developers with taxes, going after delinquent taxpayers <br />and cheaters, going after the University to make it pay far the infrastructure that it is requiring, <br />reconsidering the bonds and reducing the debt on the bonds by spreading it over the lifetime <br />and possibly refinancing at a lower interest rate. She also urged the County Commissioners to <br />go after the education lottery. She thanked the County Commissioners for the good job that <br />they do. <br />Susan Houck is an OCS parent. She said that she appreciates all of the services she <br />receives from their taxes. She said that they may save a few dollars in their taxes now but they <br />will pay in the future for not fully funding the schools. She asked the Board to fully fund the <br />OCS by raising ad valorem or by having the real estate transfer tax or widening the commercial <br />base. <br />Carol Elliot is a parent of OCS children. She added support to all who came before her <br />asking the County Commissioners to fully fund the OCS budget. <br />Virginia Guilfoile is an eight-year volunteer of CHCCS and President of East Chapel Hill <br />High School PTA. She said that the PTA believes it is counterproductive to cancel contracts <br />and cut back hiring teachers and teacher assistants in order to provide State-mandated pay <br />increases. She said that they have placed a tremendous burden on the educators to <br />accomplish the objectives of No Child Left Behind. She said that staff is being demoralized by <br />being asked to do more and more every year and with fewer programs to support student <br />achievement. She said that the PTA of East Chapel Hill High School asks the County <br />Commissioners to uphold the commitment to education and to fully fund the budget. <br />Joseph Shinnick is a parent of OCS children. He thanked the Board of County <br />Commissioners far the support of education. He supports fully funding the OC5 school budget. <br />He spoke in support of raising his taxes and doing whatever needs to be done to fully fund the <br />schools' budgets. <br />Ron Geib is a parent of OCS children. He said that there are repair issues at Cameron <br />Park. He said that the fact that the County Commissioners are considering not funding the full <br />budget is not acceptable. He supports an increase in his taxes. <br />Gene Mauck is a substitute teacher in Orange County. He said that he does not think <br />the Board of County Commissioners realizes what they have in the teachers of Orange County. <br />Teachers help out wherever and whenever needed, with or without raises each and every year. <br />He said that he has seen teachers paying out-of-pocket for school-related items. He said that <br />teachers stay as long as is needed during the school day. He said that taxes are low here and <br />he asked the County Commissioners to raise taxes. He said that athletics in middle schools <br />should not be cut because some students go to coaches far advice and have no one else to turn <br />to, and have better success at school because of participation in sports. He said that the <br />County Commissioners should write the State about the lottery funds. <br />