Minutes - 20070531
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070531
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could not finish Gravelly Hill and complete the mandates with the amount of money proposed by <br />the Manager. Also, Orange High School's track is eroding. She asked the County <br />Commissioners to please explore more options to raise the funds to fully fund the schools' <br />budgets. She spoke in support of raising taxes to fund the schools. <br />Andy Hencke has children in CHCCS. He commended the County Commissioners for <br />placing the education of all children in the County at the forefront of the budget process. He <br />encouraged the Board to return the budget for revision to fully fund the school systems. He <br />asked the Board to be willing to increase property taxes and to consider aneeds-based <br />exemption. He suggested investigating fully financing capital projects across the lifespan to <br />spread out the debt service without putting pressure on the annual process. <br />Michael Buck said that he read in the newspaper that as County Commissioners, they <br />desire to remember Mildred Parker as they deliberate on the impact of fully funding the schools. <br />According to the paper, Ms. Parker, in her letter to the County Commissioners, expressed <br />concern that a tax increase could cost her as much as three month's social security. As he read <br />this article, he wondered why Ms. Parker was being remembered only now. He asked what <br />policies were crafted to assist those for whom taxes are a substantial burden between the <br />annual budget processes. He said that the rising costs of maintaining and operating schools <br />are not new phenomena. He asked what steps the County Commissioners plan to take in the <br />coming year to avoid this situation next year. He asked the County Commissioners to raise his <br />taxes in spite of the hardship on Ms. Parker. He said that past failure to protect Ms. Parker <br />should not be an excuse to compound that failure by under-funding 18,000 school children in <br />the County. He said that his school district needs new teachers and funding to renovate alder <br />schools. He said that no one likes tax increases, but they provide services for all citizens. He <br />said that the County will be building new facilities and there should be a commitment to <br />education also. <br />Kelly Monroe-Porco is the current OCS Parent Leadership Council President. She said <br />that the Parent Leadership Council supports the full funding for the OCS and raising taxes to do <br />this. She said that it is a misconception that OCS parents are not in favor of raising taxes. She <br />asked those people that were in favor of spending about $15 mare a month to fund the schools <br />to please stand. She said that this County may be one of the tops in the State for education <br />funding, but the State is 43rd in the nation in educational funding. She said that building new <br />schools does not necessarily mean that they are funding education, but funding growth. She <br />said that in order to say that Orange County is one of the tops in educational funding, they need <br />to fully fund the schools that they build. She said that by not funding the budget fully, the Board <br />of County Commissioners is saying that these budget items are not necessities. <br />Jennifer Pepin has children in OCS. She is also an employee of the CHCCS. She said <br />that the shortfalls that are projected are overwhelming. She said that, as a parent, she does not <br />understand any decision that does not include fully funding the schools' budgets. She said that <br />schools today are asked to do so much more than simply educate the youth -they are asked to <br />parent, socialize, protect, and teach them. She said that when she was in school, they did not <br />need SROs, ESL teachers, or nurses; but there were not so many problems and issues like <br />there are today. She said that if the teachers are not given every possible resource available, <br />they will eventually leave. She said that teachers are asked to do too much to not be funded by <br />the Board of County Commissioners and supported. <br />Lydia Pepin is 11 years old and is an OCS student. She spoke in support of fully funding <br />the schools' budget. She said that she is concerned that if they are not fully funded, there will <br />not be teacher assistants. She said that taking away gifted and exceptional student teachers is <br />like taking away children's comfort, stability, and needs. She said that if the County <br />Commissioners do not fully fund the schools, it will hurt the students. She said that the schools <br />need all of the staff to help successfully teach the students. <br />
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