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The Board approved a lease/purchase agreement between Orange County Schools and <br /> Chase Equipment Finance for the lease/purchase of computers for teachers and students <br /> to upgrade the District's digital technology and authorized the Chair to sign. <br /> k. Amendment to Hobbs. Upchurch &Associates Contract: Buckhorn-Mebane EDD <br /> Water and Sewer Extension Project— Phase II <br /> The Board approved an amendment to the Hobbs, Upchurch &Associates contract for <br /> design of water and sewer utilities in the Buckhorn Economic Development District area; <br /> authorized the Chair to sign on behalf of Orange County; authorized proceeding with the <br /> bid process concurrent with permit review; and authorized the Manager to sign permit <br /> applications or other documents related to the permitting or bidding of this project, with bid <br /> results to be brought to the BOCC for approval in Fall 2012. <br /> I. Legal Advertisement for Quarterly Public Hearing—August 27 2012 <br /> The Board approved the legal advertisement for items to be presented at the joint Board of <br /> County Commissioners/Planning Board Quarterly Public Hearing scheduled for August 27, <br /> 2012. <br /> M. Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendment <br /> Outline/Schedule for Efland Design Standards <br /> The Board approved process components and schedule for amendments to the UDO Text <br /> and/or Zoning Atlas regarding Efland Design Standards, currently scheduled for the <br /> November 19, 2012 Quarterly Public Hearing. <br /> n. Valley Forge Road Property Lease Rate for Builders FirstSource <br /> The Board approved a tiered renewal lease rate schedule of$2.50 per square foot for 24 <br /> months and $2.75 per square foot for 36 months for property owned by the County at 401 <br /> Valley Forge Road, Hillsborough and leased to Builders FirstSource. <br /> o. SportsPlex Facility Management Agreement Renewal <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> o Reconciliation of Longevity Over/Underpayments Since January 1. 2004 <br /> The Board approved approximately$15,500 in longevity overpayments issued from FY <br /> 2006-07 through FY 2011-12 to 12 employees (ranging from $386 to $2,816 per employee) <br /> and not require repayment, and approved the issuance of longevity payments totaling <br /> $1,066 to two employees who were underpaid longevity from FY 2004-05 through 2007-08. <br /> o Amendment to the Orange County Code of Ordinances Regarding Massage <br /> Regulation <br /> The Board adopted and authorized the Chair to sign the Resolution Amending Chapter 8, <br /> Article II of the Code of Ordinances of Orange County; and authorized staff to make any <br /> typographical or other non-substantive corrections as may be needed prior to and during <br /> the process of submission of the amended ordinance to Municode. <br /> r. Joint Resolution Approving Dissolution of Orange Person Chatham (OPC) Mental <br /> Health, Developmental Disability and Substance Abuse Authority <br /> The Board adopted a joint resolution officially dissolving OPC and establishing the area <br /> authority comprised of a fifteen county catchment area — Cardinal Innovations Center <br /> known as PBH and authorized the Chair to sign. <br /> s. Approval of an Agency Agreement Between Orange County, Caldwell Fire <br /> Department and Eno Fire and Emergency Services for Primary Fire Protection in <br /> an Area of the Caldwell Fire District <br /> The Board approved the attached Agency Agreement between Orange County, the <br /> Caldwell Fire Department and Eno Fire and Emergency Services for primary fire protection <br /> in an area of the Caldwell Fire District as shown on the attached East Orange Fire <br /> Insurance District Boundary Map approved by the Board on April 19, 2011. <br />