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Then last and certainly not least, Attachment 10 is the Special Use Permit Findings of Fact. <br /> The Planning Board at their January 4°i meeting, as via detailed from the script for you made <br /> affirmative recommendations that the applicant had met all of their obligations for the <br /> application of submittal, had submitted all of the necessary documents to prove that they had <br /> complied with revisions of the Unified Development Ordinance, and they made specific findings <br /> of fact with respect to compliance with the general standards of the ordinance as well as the <br /> required general findings as contained within Section 5.3.2.(A)(2)a., specifically that the use will <br /> maintain or promote the public health, safety, and general welfare. The Planning Board in their <br /> alliterations determined the applicant had met their burden and based this decision on the <br /> applicant's testimony at both the November 21 at Quarterly Public Hearing and the January 4t' <br /> Planning Board meeting, that the application provided the necessary documentation linkage <br /> denoting that it would adhere to this condition. The fact that the project had been approved by <br /> the Fire Marshal's Office, Solid Waste, North Carolina Department of Transportation, and <br /> Planning Staff, and most importantly, that there had been no public comments denoting <br /> opposition to the proposal entered into the record or brought forth in a Quarterly Public Hearing <br /> for the January 4 Planning Board meeting that refuted any of the applicant's claims. They <br /> further made a motion that the project would enhance or maintain adjacent property values, <br /> again, relying on the applicant's testimony at both meetings, the aforementioned real estate <br /> appraisal assessments that were submitted into the record, and of course, most importantly, <br /> that no evidence had been submitted to refute these claims. Last but not least, they made a <br /> finding that the location and character of the school and the proposed expansion plan as <br /> submitted would be in harmony With the area in which it was located; based again on the <br /> applicant's testimony, basect on"the narrative submitted, and based on the fact that no <br /> substantial evidence had been Submitted to refute the applicant's claim. <br /> The Planning Board has recommended approval with the imposition of 12 conditions, which are <br /> located on page 71 of your abstract. These conditions require the applicant to apply for all <br /> necessary permits. It also requires that the County Board of Commissioners approve a <br /> resolution or ordinance submitting the zoning atlas as requested by the applicant. You will also <br /> note that the North Carolina Department of Transportation, one recommended condition is that <br /> the applicant goes through the appropriate driveway application process and that they adhere <br /> to all requirements from the North Carolina Department of Transportation in terns of getting <br /> that approval. The applicant's engineer, Mr. Tony Whitaker, is here this evening. The Planning <br /> staff has recommended this item be approved and the Planning Board has recommended that it <br /> be approved. So the Manager's recommendation this evening is that you convene the public <br /> hearing, accept any additional comments, enter all of the evidence into the record that is <br /> contained in the attachment, you close the public hearing, approve the ordinance contained in <br /> Attachment 8 approving the rezoning of the property, and that you go through the process of <br /> acting on the findings of fact that are detailed for you in the script. <br /> Chair Pelissier: I want to note at this time that there is no one from the public who has signed <br /> up to speak to this item, but I will ask if there is anyone who wishes to do so. There are none. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: I just wanted to understand since I was the one who brought it up— <br /> . 1__.._ a/__ a a__.__.__.__I...__ !_. <br />