Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 2 (AS APRROVED BY THE BOCC ON 11-08-20121 <br /> r. North Carolina Department of Transportation,Division Engineer for Division 7 <br /> S. North Carolina Department of Transportation,Area Traffic Engineer <br /> t. Federal Highway Administration(FHWA)North Carolina,one representative <br /> Other local agencies,upon filing a request,will be notified and invited to all meetings of the <br /> TCC. Such agencies may include Alamance-Burlington Schools and various city and county <br /> departments/off ces. <br /> The TCC shall meet when it is deemed appropriate and advisable, and shall elect a Chair <br /> and Vice Chair annually beginning each January based on a majority vote. <br /> 11. The City of Burlington shall serve as the Lead Planning Agency. Administrative <br /> coordination for the TAC and the TCC will be provided by the City of Burlington as the <br /> Lead Planning Agency who shall report to the City of Burlington Planning Director. The <br /> Lead Planning Agency will be responsible for the following functions: <br /> -Providing a secretary for the TAC and the TCC <br /> -Arranging meetings and agendas <br /> -Maintaining minutes and records <br /> -Preparing a Prospectus and Planning Work Program <br /> -Serving as custodian of all MPO plans and documents <br /> - Collecting from local governments, minutes and resolutions that document <br /> transportation plan revisions, and submitting these for mutual adoption by the North <br /> Carolina Department of Transportation <br /> - Monitoring the transportation planning process to insure its execution is in <br /> accordance with the MPO goals and objectives. <br /> - Performing other coordinating functions as assigned by the TAC from time to <br /> time. <br /> - Lead responsibility for structuring public involvement in the transportation <br /> planning process. <br /> -Preparation of the PL Expenditure Report and other grant management <br /> 12. All transportation and related Federal Aid planning grant funds available to promote the <br /> cooperative transportation planning process will be expended in accordance with the <br /> Planning Work Program adopted by the TAC. Administration of funding in support of the <br /> transportation planning process on behalf of the TAC will be conducted by the City of <br />