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COUNTY RESIDENTIAL TRANSITION (10-Year Transition}. Identifies areas changing from <br />rural to urban in form and density. All densities of residential development would be <br />appropriate. Non-residential uses implemented in accordance with small area plans andlor <br />overlay districts may be appropriate. The applied zoning districts include: R-1 (low density); <br />R-2, R-3, and R-4 (medium density); and R-5, R-8, and R-13 (high density) residential uses, and <br />Zoning Overlay Districts. <br />Recommended Next Steps: <br />• Hear any public comments tonight <br />• Refer the proposed text amendments to the Planning Board for a recommendation (June 6, <br />2007 Planning Board meeting) <br />• Return to the BOCC for adoption consideration at the June 26, 2007 regular meeting <br />• Continue with other EMSAP Implementation Recommendations (i.e., Highway 70 Corridor <br />Zoning Overlay District which will require Zoning Text and Map Amendments) <br />Brian Crawford asked about the zoning overlay district and Perdita Holtz said that it is an <br />overlay to the zoning maps for a specified area, where certain activities would be allowed if <br />special standards were met. <br />County Attorney Geof Gledhill said that it also can be an area over which there are <br />additional, more restrictive requirements, so it can be expansive or restrictive. <br />Brian Crawford asked if there were other overlay districts and Perdita Holtz said that all of <br />the watershed protection areas are overlay districts. Each overlay district is different and would <br />have its own specific requirements. <br />Judith Wegner said that she is confused as to why the amendments are being made beforE <br />there is any context with the new comprehensive plan. <br />Perdita Holtz said that this is a fairly minor amendment, and the comprehensive plan <br />update is expected to last at least two more years. In the meantime, there are small area plans <br />where people want to implement the concepts. <br />Renee Price-Saunders made reference to Hillsborough and the orange areas on the map. <br />She asked when the 10 years started for the 10-year transition areas. <br />Perdita Holtz said that technically the 10 years is probably already up because the <br />comprehensive plan was adopted in 1981. She said that these areas were where water and <br />sewer were supposed to be extended, and that has not happened yet. It is a land use category. <br />Jay Bryan said that the Planning Board would have another opportunity to discuss this with <br />the staff. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the REDA and said that there is a critical <br />difference between how the REDA would work here and the way it would work in the County in <br />terms of performance standards. In the 10-year transition area, there is supposed to be water <br />and sewer; whereas in a REDA, there would not be water and sewer. She said that the big <br />issue is whether or not to have non-residential development in the 10-year transition areas. <br />Perdita Holtz said that the Efland/Mebane implementation focus group has been working <br />on a US 70 corridor overlay zoning district text. The boundaries of the overlay district would not <br />be the entire orange area, but would be a portion along US 70. <br />Commissioner Jacobs pointed out that in the REDA, it is specified that no water and sewer <br />will ever be available. This is one of the specific standards. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />refer the proposed text amendment to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned <br />to the County Board of Commissioners for consideration at the June 26, 2007 regular meeting. <br />