Minutes - 20070521
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070521
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8/14/2008 1:29:08 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:51:04 PM
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Agenda - 05-21-2007-c1
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Agenda - 05-21-2007-c3
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Melvin Stanley asked if there would be a list of potentially permissible uses. He <br />specifically referred to concerts, car shows, and animal shows. He encouraged staff to bring a list <br />that would be sensibly usable, provided that reasonable guidelines are followed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested a word change on goal #5 on page 28. He suggested, <br />"Air quality issues shall be an integral part of any future permit reviewed within the Study Area." <br />He said that, as far as participation in the task force meetings, no one was precluded from <br />speaking. He said that everyone that attended felt quite free to speak. <br />Melvin Stanley said that he did not mean to imply this. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to refer <br />this item to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the BOCC no sooner than <br />August 21, 2007. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />3. Land Use Element Text Amendments: Text Amendments to Section 3.3 entitled <br />"Land Use Plan Categories" to amend the definition of the "10-Year Transition" category <br />and to Section 4.0 entitled "Implementation and Evaluation" to amend the "Land Use <br />Element-Zoning District Matrix." <br />Planner Perdita Holtz made a PowerPoint presentation. <br />Land Use Element <br />TextAmendment <br />Quarterly Public Hearing <br />May 21, 2007 <br />Purpose of Proposed Amendment: <br />To potentially allow non-residential uses in designated 10-Year transition areas in accordance <br />with adopted small area plans and/or zoning overlay districts. <br />~ Revisions to two (2) sections of the Land Use Element are needed <br />^ Section 3.3 -Land Use Plan Categories <br />^ Section 4.1 -Overview of Implementation Strategies <br />• Section 3.3 Proposed Revision -Change the definition of 10-Year Transition as follows: <br />10~YEAR TRANSITION. Land located in areas that are in the process of changing from rural to <br />urban densities and/or intensities, that are suitable for urban type higher densities and/or <br />intensities and should could be provided with public utilities and services within the first 10~year <br />phase of the Plan update or where such utilities and services are already present or planned. <br />Non-residential uses implemented in accordance with small area plans and/or overlay districts <br />may be appropriate. <br />• Section 4.1 Proposed Revisions -Change the existing "County Residential Transition" <br />category into two (2} categories -one for 20-Year Transition, one for 10-Year Transition. <br />• The County Residential Transition (20-Year Transition} would have no change. <br />• The information for County Residential Transition (10-Year Transition} would be changed to <br />read as follows: <br />
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