Orange County NC Website
A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve appropriating $925,000 from the 2001 County Parks and Open Space Bond to the <br />Town of Chapel Hill's Southern Community Park for the construction of three soccer fields. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Carey asked Laura Blackmon to draft a letter from him to send to Mayor Foy to <br />notify them of this action, and to incorporate the information that is under the Financial Impact <br />beginning with, "to date", as well as the information in the action that was just taken about the <br />balance due. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Chapel Hill also said in a letter that they hoped Orange <br />County would be able to allocate other County money to the greenway that it had committed to. <br />He wanted to acknowledge that the Board recognizes, respects, and will take into account this <br />request. <br />c. Justice Facility Expansion Bid Award and Contract Approval <br />The Board considered awarding a bid not to exceed $10,076,838 and approving a <br />contract with Bordeaux Construction, Inc., Durham, NC for the 40,227-square foot new <br />construction and renovation of the Orange County Justice Facility; and approving the withdrawal <br />of a bid without forfeiture of accompanying bid band from DeVere Construction Company, <br />pursuant to NC GS 143-129.1; and authorizing the Manager to execute change orders as may <br />be required and authorizing the Chair to sign subject to review by the County Attorney. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that this is the culmination of <br />a lot of years' work. She said that the bid tabulation is attached to the abstract, and three <br />bidders were responsive and one was not. The total bid was $10,243,700. The alternates <br />included in the bids include the pavilion for $62,000. There were also some value engineering <br />items totaling $166,862, which will not diminish the value of the project. There are several <br />sustainable design elements, including day-lighting, a geo-thermal system, and energy efficient <br />lighting and toilet fixtures. The rainwater collection system was not recommended because of <br />the cost and the significant payback period. There are also some fairly significant <br />archaeological finds, including a kiln and a well. <br />The funding needed for this is $400,000 more than what the County has. The budget <br />Department has recommended funding this through future CIPs. She spoke of the DeVere <br />Construction bid withdrawal. There was an obvious mistake in how the alternates were priced. <br />DeVere requested that the bid be withdrawn, and staff recommends that this be allowed. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she was told by one of the architects that Charles <br />Berger did a lot of work on this project. Mr. Berger and some of his family members were killed <br />in an auto accident a few months ago. She suggested a bench or something similar as a <br />remembrance. Pam Jones agreed and said that Mr. Berger was teaching at N. C. State and <br />had his students use this site as a class project. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked about the $400,000 shortfall. Pam Janes said that it is the <br />same thing with the school's overage and it would be brought forth in the CIP. It would <br />essentially be a reimbursement to ourselves. <br />Laura Blackmon said that the money would be encumbered now and it will take two and <br />a half years to spend this money. As funds become available in the next two and a half years <br />as pay-as-you-go, the money will already be dedicated to this project. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that this is his concern. He said that this money will not be <br />available for any other need. He suggested taking this money out of the fund balance or cutting <br />something instead of spending money that is not there. <br />Laura Blackmon said that when the ten-year plan is done, there will be projects shifted, <br />and every year there are additional pay-as-you-go funds. <br />