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The Board agreed to approve participating in consideration of a school-based health <br />center in the Orange County School District and to appoint a liaison to the planning group. <br />Commissioner Foushee volunteered to be the liaison. <br />7. Reports <br />a. Report -Water Resources Program Proposal <br />The Board received a report on the water resources discussions of the Board of <br />HealthlCommissionfnr the Environment joint work group and the subsequent Water Resources <br />Program Phased Implementation Proposal. <br />Laura Blackmon said that there was a Water Conservation/Water Resources initiative in <br />2000-2001, there have been quite a few studies, and there has been some discussion through <br />the ERCD about possibly appointing a Water Resources position. Parallel to that, the Health <br />Department began to look at water quality issues associated with health concerns. Last year in <br />the budget there was a request from the two departments for staff to deal with this initiative. <br />There was some discussion by the Board about where this position should be appointed and <br />how many people should be appointed. The two departments were to discuss how to work this <br />out. The boards and the staff met with Andy Sachs from the Dispute Settlement Center to <br />negotiate. Ultimately, the two departments came back and said that it was the Manager's <br />decision. She met with the two department heads to figure this out, and there was a report <br />included in the abstract about job descriptions and a program on page 12 and 13, which is a <br />phased implementation plan for an Orange County Water Resources Program. There will be an <br />inter-departmental team between the two departments, and it will also include Planning and Soil <br />and Water. The team will coordinate the program. The first step is to hire a Water Resources <br />Coordinator housed in ERCD in June 2007. The Water Resources Specialist and the Data <br />Specialist would be hired by the Health Department in July 2008. Page 17 has a rough estimate <br />of the costs of initiating this program. <br />Chair Carey said that this started out with two positions and an unclear concept, and <br />now it is up to six positions and an expanded concept. He said that he appreciates the work, <br />but this may need mare work to help him understand the new program. He thinks that this <br />should be a work session item to discuss the program. <br />Commissioner Gordan commended both departments. She said that there were two <br />things to consider. One thing was that there was a water resources initiative that was approved <br />by the County Commissioners two years ago and funds were set aside for one position. The <br />question was where the position would be and what it would do. The other thing was how this <br />position would function in the County's overall goal of handling water resources. She was glad <br />that a recommendation came back. She said that it is timely to have a Water Resources <br />Coordinator position when the comprehensive plan is being redone. Another urgent issue has <br />to do with droughts and floods. She said that the position could also help with subdivision <br />approvals, help citizens with where to site wells, etc. She suggested that the first position <br />{ERCD Water Resources Coordinator) begin immediately to work on the comprehensive plan as <br />well as draughts and floods and then work with other departments to see what the nature of the <br />water resources program should be. She would like this placed on another agenda to see <br />about starting the ERCD position. <br />Commissioner Foushee asked what is included in the startup costs far the two Health <br />Department positions and Laura Blackmon said that this would include office equipment and <br />supplies. Commissioner Foushee asked if this includes an automobile, etc. Health Director <br />Rosemary Summers said that the startup casts far these positions do include a vehicle because <br />these are field positions. She said they wanted to put all costs upfront, and there may be <br />operational costs down the line. <br />