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ttachment 2 <br />Article 6: Development Standards <br />Section 6.11: Outdoor Lighting <br />(e) New collector and local streets, serving residential or commercial <br />development, must meet the specifications and standards contain in <br />Section 7.8 of this Ordinance and /or NCDOT Construction Stan rds for <br />streets with curb and gutter section. <br />(f) On- street parking is not permitted on collector streets whic ill intersect <br />with existing thoroughfares proposed as bicycle routes in a Regional <br />Bicycle Plan. <br />(g) <br />In lieu of on- street parking, four -foot bike lanes mus a delineated on <br />each side (curb) of the street. <br />(2) edestrian Circulation <br />(a) <br />Walkways or sidewalks must be provided al ng all new collector and <br />arterial streets. <br />(b) <br />minimum four -foot wide planting stri etween sidewalk and curb shall <br />b rovided. <br />(c) <br />In all ses, public sidewalks, an alkways on private property, must be <br />at least ur feet in width and cI arly marked with paint or a contrasting <br />surface terial. <br />(d) <br />In addition, b rrier -free de gn must be incorporated into sidewalk and <br />walkway syste s for us y the handicapped. <br />(e) <br />Buildings must be it in ways which make their entries or intended use <br />clear to approachi sers and visitors. Clear pedestrian entries from the <br />street and notju fro adjacent parking areas are to be provided. <br />(f) <br />Locate parkin areas to t side or rear of buildings and relate building <br />facades to t street, publi sidewalks, and transit stops. <br />(g) <br />In the ar between the public alm of the street and the private realm <br />of the r sidential complex or com ercial building, provide a transition <br />cons ting of a well landscaped fro yard, a low fence or wall, a <br />re ssed entry, a courtyard, or other vice that promotes privacy but <br />. ibility from the street. <br />(3) Bicy <br />Circulation <br />(a <br />Development projects which abut a proposed icycle route must make <br />provision for bicycle parking /storage as part of t comprehensive site <br />development plan. <br />(b) <br />In addition, such facilities are to be provided in conju tion with <br />designated transit stops. <br />(c) <br />Bicycle parking and storage facilities, as well as the install 'on and /or <br />delineation of bike lanes must be done in accordance with th standards <br />contained in The Regional Bicycle Plan - Durham and Orange ounties <br />North Carolina Bicycle Facilities Planning and Design Criteria. <br />(d) <br />In each instance where bicycle parking /storage is provided, the num r <br />of bicycles for which space is provided must be appropriate to the <br />location and expected clientele. Where such facilities are provided, safe <br />and sheltered parking and storage is to be provided as close and <br />convenient to building entrances as vehicular parking. <br />6.11.1 Purpose and Intent <br />The purpose of outdoor lighting standards is to balance the public safety need for outdoor lighting fixtures <br />that are used to enhance a. lawful„ p irnl�iitltl Q nighttime use and enjoyment of ai -property while at the <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 6 -66 <br />