Orange County NC Website
decisions, or one-sided central planning leading to over-utilization of the land resources - for <br /> instance for immediate production at all costs." Sound familiar? <br /> "As a consequence the result has often been misery for large segments of the local population <br /> and destruction of valuable ecosystems. Such narrow approaches should be replaced by a <br /> technique for the planning and management of land resources that is integrated and holistic <br /> and where land users are central. This will ensure the long-term quality of the land for human <br /> use, the prevention or resolution of social conflicts related to land use, and the conservation of <br /> ecosystems of high biodiversity value." <br /> That's how it should be done. Like my neighbor Barbara said in her earlier letter to you: <br /> Sustainability is sometimes better than growth. I think she speaks for everyone who lives on <br /> Old NC 10 Hwy and it's surrounding community. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Jennifer Sharpe, MSW, LCSW <br /> Orange County Health Department <br /> From: Tonya Lamm (mailto:tonya.lamm(c�qmail.coml <br /> Sent: Wed 9/5/2012 8:49 PM <br /> To: Bernadette Pelissier <br /> Subject: Dont EDE-1 old NC-10 <br /> The land use classification around Old NC-10 should be removed from the economic <br /> development district, and not be classified EDE-1. <br /> Old NC-10 is a beautiful rural residential road. The current Land Use Classification*AND <br /> *Zoning is "Rural Residential". Based on negative public input, the planning board proposes to <br /> retain its rural residential zoning, but desires to change the Land Use Classification from rural <br /> residential to EDE-1, which allows for non-residential entities. This would *negatively *impact <br /> our neighborhood in many ways (increased traffic on two-lane road, dangerous underpasses, <br /> depress home values, etc). <br /> Further, the Zoning and Land use classification would *not be consistent*, which will create <br /> conflicts later. Finally, the Durham plan keeps this entire area as residential in their urban <br /> growth plan. Thus, the Orange County and Durham plans will *not be consistent.* <br /> * <br /> * <br /> I would strongly urge the board not to approve this proposal. The land use classification should <br /> either remain residential or the region around Old <br /> NC-10 should be removed from this economic development district. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Tonya Lamm <br /> 6408 Mt Hermon Church Road <br />