Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> Hillsborough's thriving art scene has emerged within the last 10 years: the Hillsborough Arts Council's <br /> Last Friday event attracts thousands of patrons each month during the spring and stulziner, its winter <br /> Parlor Concerts sell out, and its giant puppet parades inspire both children and adults. The arts have <br /> helped to spark a renaissance in downtown Hillsborough, which has led to a strong merchant and <br /> restaurant presence. However, there is a perennial need in central and northern Orange County for <br /> space and venue for the expression of the arts and humanities. <br /> Performance,rehearsal, gallery, and studio spaces that are specialized and affordable are very difficult <br /> to find, as are office, meeting, and teaching facilities. Locating multiple entities, with shared focuses <br /> on art, culture, history, and heritage, all in one physical location in the heart of a community <br /> (Hillsborough), would encourage a dynamic exchange of inspiration, ideas, and work, as well as an <br /> opportunity to share underpinning resources. The energy feeds back into the community, encouraging <br /> creative individuals and businesses to make this their community as well. <br /> Arts and historical attractions serve as a cornerstone for Orange County tourism. The Chapel <br /> Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau reported that 3 of the top 10 Orange County Attractions in 2009 <br /> were arts related (by reported attendance). Tourism in Orange County provides sales to local <br /> businesses,tax dollars to municipal governments and employment for residents. According to the <br /> Orange County Office of Economic Development, total visitor spending in the county was $144.07 <br /> million in Orange County during 2010. <br /> Chalienges & Opportunitie� <br /> The Cultural Center will be operating in a climate of economic uncertainly that is outside of its control. <br /> Personal income and leisure time drive demand for cultural and artistic programs. As a discretionary <br /> spending item, attending performances depends on personal income and competes for the consumer <br /> dollar with other entertainment and pastimes. <br /> Additionally, the Center will partially depend on third-party sources for investment and supplemental <br /> funding, as revenue won't always cover expenses. Corporate and individual sponsorships, foundation <br /> and government grants, and gifts will help underwrite operations. This support will also hinge on the <br /> health of the economy; changes in corporate profits,the stock market, and government budgets will <br /> influence financial support from private and public sources. <br /> However, a variety of opportunities are being pursued locally to develop new audiences. The Chapel <br /> Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau is currently working in numerous ways to increase visitor traffic. <br /> It has added a Smartphone plan to their media schedule that will offer listings of Chapel Hill/Orange <br /> County restaurants, events and shopping in the area. Smartphone usage has increased significantly <br /> over the last 5 years and travel applications are some of the most used applications in the market. <br /> The Visitors Bureau is also teaming up with the Greater Raleigh and Durham County Visitors Bureaus <br /> to promote local art throughout the Triangle. Arts in the Triangle will be the official arts site for <br /> visitors in North Carolinas Research Triangle Region. Visitors will be able to view upcoming events in <br /> visual and performing arts and plan a triangle arts getaway by downloading itineraries. <br /> Visitors come to Orange County looking for authenticity, for the character of a place, and for unique <br /> attractions. The county is a blossoming cultural destination for those from near and far. A vibrant <br /> Orange County Cultural Center Confidential Page 11 of 30 <br /> Strategic Business Plan(v.1.0) 9/8/2011 <br />