Orange County NC Website
alleviate traffic congestion. It can also help Hillsborough achieve the vision of Amtrak services. <br /> She said that citizens in the County are confused about the scope and funding for light rail <br /> service. Most people do not know that Wake County has not committed to the plan. Before <br /> another sales tax is placed on the ballot, the citizens need to be better educated on the plan. <br /> It should be done in an open venue where people can ask questions and discuss this. She <br /> asked where and how Orange County's population is expected to grow over the next two <br /> decades and how that would impact transit users and routing. Secondly, she asked about the <br /> alternatives that are available. She asked about the costs and the risks to Orange County <br /> taxpayers for light rail. She asked about the impact of the delay or of proceeding too quickly. <br /> She said that transit is too important and expensive to rush, and before the County <br /> Commissioners commit to a plan and a tax, the citizens need to be involved in an in-depth <br /> discussion of the plan and alternatives. <br /> Chris Weaver said that Mary Carter covered most of what he wanted to say. He said <br /> that he does not think that the County got the public hearing notice out in time. <br /> Daniel Ashley asked where the tax increases will end. He said that all of the <br /> educational material for the referendum is downplaying the significance of the tax. <br /> Alex Castro is a resident of Bingham Township and a member of the Orange County <br /> Advisory Board on Aging. He said that in the Master Aging Plan they addressed issues that <br /> these seniors will be facing and one is mobility and transit services. He said that the <br /> proportion of those in Orange County over 65 is equal to those under the age of 18. He said <br /> that of those that are over 65, 32.3% live with a disability. He said that 13% of the people over <br /> 65 that live in Cedar Grove do not have access to a vehicle. He said that this group is <br /> underserved by transportation. He asked the County Commissioners to consider how OPT <br /> might be enhanced to serve the aging population better than it is now. <br /> Bonnie Hauser was speaking for Orange County Voice and echoed some of the points <br /> raised by Mary Carter. She said that this transit plan is complicated and they need more time <br /> to digest. She said that most citizens in Orange County do not understand the plan, especially <br /> the light rail investment. She said that the citizens appreciate the public hearing, but this is not <br /> the right venue to fully educate the public. She asked why there is a rush and said it is too <br /> complicated and important to rush this issue. <br /> Joe Phelps said that he is not against helping people get around, but he is a little <br /> confused about the direction of some of these things. He said that he is confused that there is <br /> a big push for economic development, but yet also a big push for transportation. He asked if <br /> the idea was for people to stay here and work or to send people elsewhere to work. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked Craig Benedict if they could add a Q&A on the website for the <br /> public. Craig Benedict said that staff has made good notes and this can be done. He will work <br /> with the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Manager to talk about how to make it more interactive. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that it was mentioned that monies had been put forth to <br /> support the Hillsborough train station, but there is a small sliver of the pie chart that is for <br /> capital projects such as park-and-ride, etc. He asked if the money was $800,000 and if it was <br /> obtained out of the 3% share that was previously designated for park-and-ride and other small <br /> capital projects. <br /> Patrick McDonough said that the money for the train station is separate. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that at the work session it was presented that this money <br /> would come out of small capital projects. Patrick McDonough said that they originally thought <br /> it was, but it is not. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he is concerned that figures continue to shift. He said <br /> that there does not seem to be a finite pot of money. He asked if the '/�-cent sales tax would <br /> be enough. <br />