Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> David Laudicina read a prepared statement: <br /> "To begin I would like to commend you on the work you have done on analyzing the <br /> transit plan especially with the addition of the Hillsborough train station to the plan. You have <br /> listened to your constituents and are willing to revise the plan. My concerns are that the 40% <br /> of the Orange County population living outside of Chapel Hill and Carrboro are not represented <br /> fairly by the dollars rural residents will spend with the proposed '/�-cent sales and use tax <br /> compared to the services rural residents will receive. Twenty-three percent of the Orange <br /> County population lives in Cheeks, Hillsborough, and Eno Township, easily drivable to a <br /> Hillsborough train station. The rest of the rural 40% also live a drivable distance to the <br /> proposed Hillsborough train station. <br /> The portion of the transit project supporting Orange County is estimated approximately <br /> at $315 million of a total cost of 1.378 billion dollars of which 25% of approximately $80 million <br /> will come from the proposed Orange County '/�-cent sales tax. If you look at the pie chart you <br /> can see that 97+ percent of the $316 million Orange County cost most of which is dedicated to <br /> the Light Rail service between Chapel Hill and Carrboro will benefit only Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro residents and a meager portion of 3% will benefit rural Orange County residents. <br /> Again, thank you for adding the Hillsborough train station to the plan. Introducing <br /> Amtrak service to Hillsborough is a wonderful addition but realistically will not support daily <br /> commuting between Hillsborough, Durham, Cary, Research Triangle and Raleigh. Current <br /> Amtrak service only runs less than 10 trains daily which are not conveniently scheduled to <br /> provide daily commuting service to rural Orange County residents to the Triangle and are <br /> costly. A round trip ride from Burlington to Raleigh is 18 to 22 dollars. <br /> I am proposing that the Board take a good hard look at extending limited commuter rail <br /> service from Hillsborough in the morning and to Hillsborough in the evening to the planned <br /> Commuter rail service on the current single track from Hillsborough to West Durham and <br /> adding the extended service to the plan. The current Commuter Rail Service is planned to <br /> provide service between West Durham, Durham, Cary, Raleigh, and Garner. Currently Amtrak <br /> and freight carriers run trains safely on the single track through Orange County on the SAME <br /> track proposed to support the commuter rail service between West Durham and Garner. <br /> Triangle Transit will say that it is too costly to build a second track but I believe in the short- <br /> term limited service to and from Hillsborough and West Durham and on to Cary and Raleigh <br /> could be accomplished quite cheaply and safely sharing the existing single track with Amtrak <br /> and freight carriers. The service would simply be a limited extension to the current proposed <br /> Triangle Transit Commuter rail service from West Durham to Raleigh and Garner. <br /> I wholeheartedly support public transportation but I don't think a properly educated rural <br /> Orange County resident will vote in favor of the current plan given the huge disparity in <br /> benefits and cost between rural Orange County and favoring Chapel Hill/Carrboro. Rural <br /> residents defeated the present '/�-cent sales tax in the first go round, which included rural <br /> benefits in economic development and schools and could easily defeat this referendum. In <br /> order to get buy-in from rural voters I think it would be prudent to add more services provided <br /> to rural Orange County residents. Take a look at the plan on the web for the Hillsborough train <br /> station area. The station is the heart of a sustainable residential and commercial community, <br /> walkable and bikable to downtown Hillsborough, built around a huge potential to provide <br /> commuter services to rural Orange County residents to the rest of the Triangle. This is just the <br /> kind of development Orange County and Chapel Hill have been talking about for years." <br /> Mary Carter lives in Hillsborough and she said that transit is important to Orange <br /> County. If it is done well, it will help focus density, encourage economic development, and <br />