Orange County NC Website
- The three study corridors for the Alternatives Analysis were selected from the Transit <br /> Vision Map based on five criteria: Mobility, Population, and Employment, Land Use, <br /> Financial, and Stakeholder Input. The study for the selection of corridors was the <br /> "Transitional Analysis." <br /> Agency and Public Involvement <br /> - Major Corridor Planning: <br /> - 3 Sets of Public Workshops totaling 19 meetings <br /> o June and September 2010; March 2011 <br /> o Multiple locations in Orange County <br /> - Bus Planning <br /> o Onboard-bus customers surveys <br /> o Short range transit plans <br /> o Transit agency staff input <br /> o Call center data: "Does the bus go to ?" <br /> Bus Capital Investment: $6 Million over 5 Years <br /> Bus Services: 34,650 hours Implemented by 2017 <br /> Intercity Rail: Hillsborough Train Station <br /> - Access from Hillsborough to Durham, Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte, more NC cities 4 <br /> times/day <br /> - Direct service to NYC, DC, Richmond via Carolinian <br /> - $4 to $8 million in investment <br /> MLK Bus-Only Lanes by 2019 <br /> - From I-40 area to Estes Drive <br /> - Will improve access to main campus and Carolina North <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the details of the core and enhanced plans are not in <br /> their packets tonight and were not part of either PowerPoint presentation. <br /> Craig Benedict said that he could pull up that slide after the public comment. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he would like to see the slide before public comment. <br /> He said that no information was brought forth to the public on BRT except on MLK Boulevard <br /> in Chapel Hill and no other for alternatives such as 15-501. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that some of those items are not there because the public is to <br /> comment on the draft transit plan. <br /> Craig Benedict pulled up the slide. He said that in the first five years, the only thing that <br /> would come forward if the '/�-cent sales tax is passed, is that in year three there would be <br /> 28,000 bus hours. In year five, another 6,300 bus hours could be added. In year five or six, <br /> there could be a decision on light rail from Triangle Transit. If the federal transportation <br /> department determines that light rail is a viable alternative, and then the construction will <br /> begin, there will be bus lanes on MLK (2019) and light rail will come online in 2026. The light <br /> rail will replace some of the bus routes. If light rail is not funded through state or federal <br /> monies, then capital bus projects (core plan) could come online in 2023, 2027, and 2031. <br /> The enhanced plan is on the right and the core plan is on the left of the handout. <br />