Orange County NC Website
VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would like to see some evidence that the 40% of <br /> population in the rural areas will benefit at all from this transit plan. <br /> Steve Spade said that the Board of County Commissioners will make a decision based <br /> on the information staff gives to them. There will be facts and figures to support the plan. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that Orange County is very fortunate to have Chapel Hill <br /> Transit, but this is the first time that the Orange County Commissioners have had the <br /> opportunity to direct funding towards public transportation. He said that the County <br /> Commissioners need to get up to speed with the counterparts in Chapel Hill and Carrboro <br /> because they have had the opportunity. <br /> Frank Clifton asked about the schedule of work sessions and the public outreach <br /> sessions. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that what was scheduled for May 1 St would be moved to May 15tn <br /> and what is scheduled for May 15th would be moved to June 5tn <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the April 19th work session would be bumped to the <br /> May 3�d work session. <br /> The meeting schedule will be confirmed during the agenda review. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that the newspaper is a good venue to educate the public. <br /> He said that he is not seeing in-depth reporting on this issue and it is important to educate the <br /> public through this venue. <br /> b. Oranqe County's Proposed 2012 Leqislative Aqenda <br /> The Board received public comments on its Proposed 2012 Legislative Agenda. <br /> Greg Wilder introduced this item. He went through the additional items: Proposed <br /> Orange County 2012 Legislative Matters Resolution with Exhibit (Orange-Alamance County <br /> Line); Proposed Orange County 2012 Legislative Matters Resolution with Exhibit— Broadband <br /> Grants for Economic Development; Proposed Orange County 2012 Legislative Matters <br /> Resolution on Statewide Issues with Exhibit; Proposed "Areas of Support" and "Items of <br /> Interest" Documents; Memorandum from Commissioners Jacobs and McKee Regarding <br /> Hunting Deer with Dogs Legislative Item; and NCACC 2011-12 Adopted Legislative Goals.' <br /> He said that the memo from Commissioners Jacobs and McKee recommends that the <br /> Board not include hunting deer with dogs in the legislative package for this year. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that the recommendation to not include the hunting deer <br /> with dogs was because there has been an extensive education campaign, which has helped to <br /> reduce the incidence of conflict between the hunters and homeowners. The recommendation <br /> was to monitor the activity and consider it next year. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that several items under Areas of Support and Items of <br /> Interest were in response to concerns brought forward by the advisory boards or by staff (aqua <br /> blue sheet). He would like to try and be responsive. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he would like to put some emphasis on a couple of <br /> items as a major push, while recognizing that the other items are important to keep in mind. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Steve Graf said that he is disappointed that the Board of County Commissioners is not <br /> putting the hunting deer with dogs on the legislative agenda. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to close the public hearing. <br />