Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> An employee who is demoted, suspended, or dismissed by the manager may appeal <br /> the decision to the Personnel Hearing Board within ten complete working days after <br /> receipt of the Manager's decision.The Manager will forward all papers and <br /> information used in making a decision to the Personnel Hearing Board within five <br /> complete working days after receipt of the appeal to the Board.The Personnel <br /> Hearing Board will conduct a hearing within ten complete working days of receipt of <br /> papers and information from the Manager. It will notify the employee in writing of its <br /> findings and recommendations within five complete working days after the hearing. <br /> The Personnel Hearing Board may find(1)that the grievance is without merit or(2) <br /> that the grievance has merit and that certain administrative actions should be <br /> undertaken. <br /> The Board's written statement must contain the reasons for its decisions and a <br /> statement of the evidence upon which it relied.The employee will sign and date a <br /> copy of the Personnel board's decision to acknowledge receipt thereof; or, if the <br /> employee's signature cannot be secured the secretary to the Personnel Board will <br /> make a notation in the employee's personnel folder that the employee has been <br /> informed of the Personnel board's decision. <br /> In the hearing the employee has the right to examine all of the evidence reported by <br /> the Manager and to cross-examine adverse witnesses ,,INeiitheir_Th _e implloye e nor tk . Deleted:The employee has the right to <br /> be represented by counsel <br /> ((aye rnLy_n n llll_ks _irn._r irn_nn rn SiL a ay I II �k� l. Irurnc <br /> (e) <br /> The decision of the Personnel Board will be forwarded to the Manager,who will <br /> make the final decision based solely on the record of the hearing before the <br /> Personnel Board.This determination must be written and contain the reasons for the <br /> decision and the evidence upon which he relied.There will be no appeal from this <br /> determination. <br /> (f) <br /> No less than 21 calendar days before the hearing,the County Clerk will notify both <br /> parties of the hearing, giving the date,time, location and a statement of the issue to <br /> be resolved at the hearing by means of certified mail. <br /> (g) <br /> No determination of a grievance will in any way conflict with any of the County <br /> policies, resolutions, or ordinances, or with any State and Federal statutes applicable <br /> thereto. <br /> (h) <br /> Full back pay and related benefits will be awarded to employees fully reinstated in all <br /> grievance cases in which the employee was appealing suspension,demotion, or <br /> involuntary separation. <br /> (Ord.of 06-07.1976,e'P'T 08..01..1976,Amend.of 06...04..2002,Art. VIII§a 0,e'P''P: 04..04..2002) <br />