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2 <br /> ORD-2012-049 <br /> ARTICLE VIII.-THE APPEALS PROCESS AND THE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE I.7 <br /> Sec.28-85.-Purpose. <br /> Sec.28-86.-Policy. <br /> Sec.28-87.-Procedure. <br /> Sec.28-88.-Personnel hearing board. <br /> Sec. 28-85. - Purpose <br /> (a) <br /> It is the purpose of the Appeals Process to: <br /> (1) <br /> Facilitate the airing and resolving of employee grievances fairly and swiftly. <br /> (2) <br /> Promote a better understanding of policies, practices,and procedures <br /> affecting employees. <br /> (3) <br /> Improve employee/supervisor communication and relations. <br /> (b) <br /> Nothing contained herein should be construed so as to restrict open discussion <br /> among employees and their supervisors regarding matters of County employment. <br /> Instead,this procedure serves as an extension and formalization of that process as <br /> needed for the resolution of grievances. <br /> (Ord.of 06-074975,off 06..01..1976) <br /> Sec. 28-86. - Policy., " <br /> (a) <br /> It is the policy of Orange County to attempt with all due speed to resolve grievances <br /> on an individual employee basis. <br /> (b) <br /> It is the policy of Orange County that any employee may pursue resolution of a <br /> problem or grievance without fear of reprisal in accordance with this procedure. <br /> (c) <br />