Orange County NC Website
<br />situation. <br />Chair Carey said that he knows there has been a pent up need for soccer fields for <br />years. He said that the County Commissioners set about trying to provide equitable fields that <br />all residents of Orange County pay taxes to support. He said that the County took advantage of <br />opportunities at West Ten to achieve some economies of scale and because it was in the <br />County's jurisdiction. He said that he has a problem with making funding commitments in a <br />short timeframe out of context with all of the other competing demands for projects. He is <br />committed to developing a plan for Twin Creeks but there would be a trade off now to commit to <br />this in the short term. He would like to make a decision in the full context of the greater <br />environment in which the County Commissioners have to make funding decisions. He said that <br />he supports the substitute motion. He said that the County Commissioners have voted to move <br />ahead with West Ten at least three times. He said that it is within the Board's power to do a <br />funding plan within the next few weeks, but not tonight. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that she is not opposed to Commissioner Cordon's <br />proposal, but the staff's plan was brought forward to save taxpayer's money. She said that if <br />Ken Chavious could assure the Board that the information that he turns in can be written as <br />Commissioner Gordon has stated, she sees this as more of a win-win situation. She said that <br />what she heard from Ken Chavious that he could not submit this package as stated by <br />Commissioner Gordon. <br />Commissioner Jacobs called the question to close the debate. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />Vote on substitute motion by Commissioner Jacobs: <br />VOTE: Ayes, 3; Nays, 2 (Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Nelson) <br />4. Consent Agenda <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br />approve those items on the consent agenda as stated below: <br />a. Minutes <br />The Board approved the March 13, 19, and 20, 2007, minutes as submitted by the Clerk to the <br />Board. <br />b. Appointments -None <br />c. Motor Vehicle Property Tax ReleaselRefunds <br />The Board adopted a refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related to 45 <br />requests for motor vehicle property tax releases or refunds in accordance with North Carolina <br />General Statutes. <br />d. Property Tax Releases <br />The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to release property values <br />related to two (2) requests for property tax release in accordance with N.C. General Statute <br />105-381. <br />e. Cool Cities Program <br />The Board agreed to join a national campaign of local governments sponsored by the Sierra <br />Club to promote cleaner vehicles, energy efficiency and renewable energy. This program is <br />related to the Cities for Climate Protection program of the International Council far Local <br />Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), of which the County is a member. The Board authorized the <br />Chair to sign the Caol Cities Pledge on the Board's behalf. <br />f. Housing Bond Program <br />The Board awarded housing bond funds in the amount of $450,000 to Habitat for Humanity to <br />assist with the infrastructure casts for the Purefoy Drive subdivision in the Rogers Road <br />