Minutes - 20070424
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070424
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Last modified
8/14/2008 1:32:46 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:50:08 PM
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Agenda - 04-24-2007 - Agenda
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<br />for Twin Creeks is not clear at this time. He wants to do both but there is not a plan to do this <br />now. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she wants to try and find awin/win situation. She said <br />that the 2001 bond referendum had a Soccer Superfund, which was, "Constructing new soccer <br />fields as opportunities arise across the County, existing and new parks." She said that in the fall <br />of 2006, there was a plan for six fields at West Ten and a plan for four fields at Twin Creeks. <br />There was only funding for two fields at West Ten and two fields at Twin Creeks. The issue that <br />came up in the fall of 2006 was whether or not to put more money in West Ten. When this was <br />brought up, there was no decision on the final plan far funding soccer fields that were included <br />in the bond, and specifically no plan for funding Twin Creeks. She thinks that the Board needs <br />mare time to find awin-win situation. She is troubled about the way this has evolved into a <br />north-south issue. She said that what is at issue is $2.267 million far soccer fields. She wants <br />to figure out haw to build six fields at West Ten and four fields at Twin Creeks and fund it. She <br />would like to approve construction of soccer fields for the project and take a little more time to <br />do the following things, which she stated in her proposal: <br />The Board will formally adopt the listing of projects to be included in the proposed alternative <br />financing scheduled for action on May 3, and the adopted list will be the "Projects for Alternative <br />Financing June 2007" as shown in the Apri124 meeting agenda packet, except that "West Ten <br />Soccer -Development of soccer complex on existing county property " ($2, 267, 000) will be <br />changed to "Construction of Soccer Fields in Orange County. " The following statements wUl <br />guide the final allocation of money. <br />1. The allocation of the $2, 267, 000 will be used far the construction of the maximum number of <br />fields in Orange County. The commissioners wish to create a "win-win" situation so that soccer <br />players all over Orange County will have access to fields. <br />2. Any allocation of funds will be faithful to the commitments made by the commissioners in the <br />2009 parks bond referendum. Those commitments include the List of projects to be funded and <br />the statement that money will be used to "construct new soccer fields as opportunities arise <br />across the County (existing and new parks)." <br />3. Before funds are allocated on May 3, the commissioners will approve an overall plan for <br />soccer field construction which will provide for the construction of six fields at West Ten, four <br />fields at Twin Creeks, along with other fields as appropriate. This overall plan will specify the <br />timeline for the construction of fields at West Ten and at Twin Creeks, and will also provide <br />dedicated funding for these fields. If other projects are included in the plan, then they mayor <br />may not include dedicated funding at this time. <br />4. In producing a funding plan for commissioner consideration and approval, the staff will <br />provide information concerning how much additional funding the county can afford. The staff <br />will identify savings in the current funding plan for the West Ten Soccer Center that are related <br />to expenses for anything beyond field construction, and will a/sa identify savings that can be <br />achieved by additional collaboration with the adjacent Gravelly Nill Middle School. <br />5. The staff will provide updated information concerning contributions by potential partners, <br />including Sports Endeavors and Triangle United, to projects in which they and the county may <br />have a mutual interest. <br />6. The goal of the overall plan will be to site fields near where people live, thereby minimizing <br />both travel time and polluting car emissions and maximizing access to fields by all the citizens <br />
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