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<br />Bryant Warren commended Michael Buck for the statistics on the mileage. He said that <br />the West Ten Soccer Complex is centrally located in the County. He said that there are lots of <br />soccer players that need fields in the northern part of the County. <br />Cameron Tew said that they are not asking for the West Ten Soccer Complex to be <br />scrapped but to build fields that are needed now first at Twin Creeks. He said that 90% of the <br />people who play soccer live in the southern part of the County. He said that the West Ten <br />Complex is not a tournament complex as it is configured now. <br />Robb English is the chair of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Council and the RPAC <br />would like the full funding to remain at the West Ten Complex. He said that the RPAC is very <br />committed to this complex being built. <br />Keith Bagby said that he lives in Hillsborough and his daughter played Rainbow soccer <br />for two years. He said that he works in Chapel Hill and he would go home and pick up his <br />daughter in Hillsborough and bring her back to Chapel Hill to play soccer. He said that he <br />would like to see the West Ten Soccer Complex built so that he and other parents in his <br />situation would not have to spend so much time traveling back and forth. He said that there are <br />more needs than just soccer such as football, softball, etc. <br />Kathy Kaufman said that she was the Northern Transition Area Advisory Board <br />representative to the master plan for the Twin Creeks Park and School Complex. She is also a <br />soccer mom. She said that it makes her sad to see this as a dichotomy between the rural and <br />urban parts of Orange County. She does not think that there should be a competition for funds. <br />She said that there are 12 players on her daughter's team now and they live closest to the Twin <br />Creeks Park. She said that they are seeing a dire need for soccer fields in both sides of the <br />County. <br />Carroll Hawkins represents the Cedar Grove Township on the RPAC. He said that this <br />council represents all of the townships in the County, and there is a consensus that this project <br />should go forward at West Ten as funded. He said that a lot of folks might not know where <br />Cedar Grove is, but he drove 30-4Q minutes to get to the Southern Human Services Center <br />tonight. He said that there is a large Hispanic population in northern Orange County and they <br />too like to play soccer. <br />Meleata Pinto is a soccer mom and has three children that play soccer. She is in <br />support of building fields at Twin Creeks. She does not think that this is an eitherlor proposition. <br />She agreed with Kathy Kaufman that fields are essential. She said that the County should <br />accommodate the growing area in the southern part of Orange County and build fields now. <br />She said that she is not an Orange County resident, but she speaks for a lot of people in <br />southern Orange County. <br />Melissa Suarez represents Chapel Hill and Carrboro adult soccer leagues. She is a <br />league administrator and she knows that field acquisition is tough now because children get <br />priority on the fields and the adults have to pay to play on fields at odd times. She said that the <br />demand is overwhelming in the southern part of the County. She said that the northern part of <br />the County needs fields but there is not as much demand as in Chapel Hill. She said that she <br />would rather play on turf fields. <br />Eric Hallman is a Hillsborough Town Commissioner. He said that he is in support of the <br />staff's recommendation of the funding for the West Ten Soccer Complex. He said that the travel <br />time is in the central part of the County and travel times are less than 20 minutes from anywhere <br />in the County. He said that this complex is in the EDD and there should be tournaments where <br />there is good access, which West Ten has. He said that this would be a good boon to the entire <br />County. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that fields are clearly needed in all parts of the County, and <br />he shares Kathy Kaufman's opinion, that this has turned into anorth-south issue. He supports <br />the six fields at West Ten and the fields at Twin Creeks. His concern is that the funding source <br />