Minutes - 20070424
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070424
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8/14/2008 1:32:46 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:50:08 PM
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Agenda - 04-24-2007 - Agenda
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<br />Ken Chavious said that by taking this action, the staff will be able to draft the final <br />documents for the May 3`d meeting. <br />Public Comment: <br />Gary Wallach is a soccer dad. He would like the County Commissioners to reconsider <br />the seven fields at West Ten. He would like to have fewer fields there and four full-sized fields <br />at Twin Creeks. He is concerned that if these fields are built at West Ten that people will not <br />come. He said that he and his daughter drive a lot now and this would be even more driving for <br />them. He wants the fields where the population is. He said that he spoke to Coach Anson <br />Dorrance, who said to put the fields where the people are. Mr. Wallach stated that Coach <br />Dorrance also said it was unlikely that UNC students who coach soccer would travel long <br />distances to coach. <br />Mike Strand asked the County Commissioners to reconsider allocating the money from <br />West Ten to Twin Creeks. He would like for the County Commissioners to set up a meeting <br />with the soccer people to discuss making one or two fields Astroturf. <br />Rob Smith thanked the County Commissioners for listening to them at past meetings. <br />He said that the soccer community is excited about full-size soccer fields being built soon. He <br />said that, based on the Soccer Superfund Policy and Guidelines, he believes that the best plan <br />for spending the bond money would be to expedite the four full-size fields at Twin Creeks. He <br />asked for those in favor of expediting four fields at Twin Creeks to stand. <br />Laura Sullivan said that she plays soccer for Triangle United and they need more fields <br />because it gets too crowded. She said that sometimes they have to cancel practices just <br />because there is not enough space to practice. <br />Megan Dell said that her home is in Chapel Hill and they are driving so far now to get to <br />soccer fields, which pollutes the air, and she likes her air clean. <br />Michael Buck said that he received an email from one of the local soccer clubs to let the <br />Board of County Commissioners know that fields closer to "the town" would be more beneficial. <br />He said that when he read this he was motivated to attend if only to gently remind everyone that <br />Orange County has mare than one town. He said that the Board of County Commissioners was <br />elected to represent all of Orange County and not just residents of a particular town. He used <br />the website of the soccer club that sent the email and he was able to find directions to facilities <br />where there are at least 21 soccer fields. These are just fields listed on the club's website. He <br />said that there are five fields maintained by the Chapel Hill Recreation and Parks and at least <br />three maintained by Orange County Recreation and Parks. He said that the two Board of <br />County Commissioners' meeting locations are in two areas, and the average distance to these <br />21 fields from the Southern Human Services Center is 5.6 miles. The average distance to the <br />same fields from Margaret Lane is 14.3 miles. Regarding the three northern area fields, the <br />average distance to 19 Orange County fields from the Southern Human Services Center is only <br />4.6 miles, versus the average distance to those same fields from Margaret Lane is 12.5 miles. <br />He said that residents in northern Orange County have to drive 60-75°~ further to use these <br />existing facilities. He urged the County Commissioners to take this information into account. <br />Brian Oswald is the head soccer coach at Cedar Ridge High School. He said that he <br />has lived in the County for 23 years and has raised two children who played soccer. He said <br />that he had to travel from northern Orange County to Chapel Hill during all of this time to play <br />soccer. He would like for the County Commissioners to move forward with the West Ten <br />Soccer Complex. He said that he could guarantee that if the fields are built, that people will go <br />to the West Ten Complex and play. <br />Lisa Henniger said that she has not heard anyone talk about growth. She said that she <br />is a soccer parent and she travels a lot to tournaments. She said that this complex would bring <br />a lot of money into the area. She thinks that the County should look toward the future and at <br />long-term planning. She said that they need all of the fields at West Ten and the fields need to <br />be done right. <br />
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